NBA trade rumors: Are the Warriors open to make moves after a slow start to the season?

The Golden State Warriors have struggled in the first month of their title defense season. Will they have to make trades to put together another title run?


It has been far from the dream start for the defending NBA Champions, who have kicked off the campaign with just four wins in their first 11 games. Nearly a month into the season, the Golden State Warriors are still looking for their first win on the road and the problems are starting to pile up for Steve Kerr’s side. Are these just surface struggles, or is there something deeper wrong with the Warriors?

Warriors far from championship form

Not much has changed from last year’s title winning roster to this year’s underperforming squad. While the main cast of characters remains the same, the results haven’t corresponded, and that has many experts around the league wondering if the Warriors will hit the trade market to tweak their roster and turn things around before it’s too late.

If the Warriors are into the idea of making a trade, they will have plenty of time to identify their problem, scout players, and try work out a deal to make a move during the trade deadline that starts in January and runs until February 9th.

The untouchables

The Warriors dynasty over the last decade has been led by the base of Golden State’s Big Three. Steve Kerr’s side has never lost a playoff series that Steph Curry, Klay Thompson and Draymond Green have started and finished, in other words stayed healthy throughout. That formula has lead to four NBA Titles in the last eight years.

Winning titles in the NBA is not a breeze, and when you have found the secret to success it’s best not to fiddle with it. If the Warriors were to make a trade, then you would have to assume their Big Three would be strictly off limits, but when you look down the roster there is some room for improvement.

Nothing in the works yet, says GM Meyers

While GM Bob Meyers says the team is not planning on anything, you never know what the future holds. “I know it’s been written and maybe too succinctly: We’re always open to anything,” Myers said. “Nothing is concrete in this business and it’s never been more so in the NBA. Doesn’t mean we’re doing anything now. We haven’t made any decisions. But I would say that we think we’re a contender and we’ll evaluate if we’re still a contender, what we look like, many games from now and decide the best course to move forward.”

If the struggles continue, and the Warriors do look to make a trade in the not so distant future which are the areas they need to improve? Golden State seems to like Kevon Looney in the paint, but he doesn’t add much of an offensive threat. I could see the Warriors including him in a deal that brings a big man with a bit more of a presence on the offensive end.

The Warriors know the season is just getting started, and there is plenty of time to get the train back on the tracks, but if the wins don’t come soon Meyers and the Warriors will look to bring in reinforcements in the winter.

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