Why isn’t Kevin Durant communicating with the Brooklyn Nets?

That the Nets star isn’t speaking with his team only adds a further layer of complication to an already complex situation.

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With no clear conclusion to the scenario in sight, the latest update doesn’t seem to paint a positive picture for the Nets and their want-away star.

Where is the Kevin Durant trade saga at?

In the weeks that have passed since Kevin Durant first requested a trade from the Brooklyn Nets, there has been a great deal of chatter, but nothing concrete has developed. What has happened, however, is that one door has closed and another appears to be closing. On the one hand, we have one of his preferred destinations, the Phoenix Suns, who are essentially no longer an option with DeAndre Ayton having re-signed, meaning he can’t be traded until after January. Then on the other, we’ve got the Miami Heat - another team on Durant’s list - who are currently struggling with the league restriction that prohibits teams from acquiring multiple players on designated rookie contracts. Heat star Bam Adebayo and Nets counterpart Ben Simmons fit that criteria.

This brings us to the present, where reports suggest that the former league MVP has been reluctant to move things forward by simply refusing to have any meaningful contact with either the franchise or his fellow teammates. Indeed, according to ESPN’s Brian Windhorst, Durant’s communication with the Nets has been “sparse.” What does that mean for the franchise? Quite frankly, it means that unless Durant declares that he’s either willing to stay or absolutely set on going, the only way out of the deadlock would be for a team to make a monumental offer to the Nets.

What happens between the Nets and Kevin Durant now?

While it remains uncertain as to if and more importantly how this will all go down, there is one that remains certain: without a clear indication from Durant himself, it’s likely this scenario will drag on. Logic would dictate, that were the Nets star to make his position known i.e., he wants to play for the team that makes an offer for him, one could imagine that said team could table a better offer. Why would any team do so, without some kind of confirmation from the man himself that he wants to sign up? Additionally, we have to consider the fact that Durant still has four years left on his contract, which means he’s not exactly in a position of power when it comes to forcing his way out.

As things stand it’s understood that the franchise is “not aggressively making outgoing calls,” meaning it’s really at Durant to decide how this all goes down. What can we infer from the franchise’s position? They intend to get the best deal there is for a player who is without doubt one of the best in the league - if there is an offer. Ultimately, unless a team is willing to significantly bump up its offer OR Durant decides to give them an indication that they should, it’s quite likely that he’s back on the Nets roster when the 2022-23 season tips off.

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