Why were Mavericks head coach Jason Kidd and star player Luka Doncic both ejected against the Timberwolves?

Things have gone from bad to worse where the Mavericks’ record is concerned, but the double ejection of their coach and talisman really doesn’t help.

They might have one of the best players in recent memory and perhaps even one of the better coaches around today, but both men stole the headlines on Monday night during a loss and unfortunately, for the all the wrong reasons.

Luka Doncic and Mavericks coach Jason Kidd ejected during loss

If you’ve been watching the Mavericks this season, you probably already know that it’s been a tough time in Dallas. Yet, things definitely took a turn for the worse on Monday night, when head coach Jason Kidd and star guard Luka Doncic were both ejected during what turned out to be a 116-106 loss to the Minnesota Timberwolves. Following the game, Kidd made no secret about his frustrations, but didn’t go as far as to comment on them.

“I’m here because I have to be here,” Kidd told reporters. “I already gave up money, so I don’t want to give up any more. So, no questions. We’ll go back and look at the tape and see how we can get better. They were the better team tonight, and we’ll go from there. Thanks for showing up.” Clearly not in the mood to talk, Kidd gave no further comment after his brief statement, which to be fair completed his media obligations for the night.

What exactly happened with Luka Doncic & Jason Kidd?

When looking at the situation, it’s clear that one ejection led to the other. With two minutes left in the third quarter and an 85-71 Timberwolves lead, things were clearly getting heated. In that moment, Doncic took issue with a no call, when he clearly believed he had been fouled. For the purpose of context, it’s worth mentioning that referee Rodney Mott has had his issues with Doncic before. At any rate, whatever Doncic said to Mott did not sit well and with that the official quickly whistled the Mavs star twice.

Watching from the side, Kidd had seen enough and with his team already behind by 14 points and his star player now being thrown out of the game, the former NBA star decided to unleash on the officials. Needless to say, his own ejection followed shortly after with referee Nick Buchert calling him for two technicals.

Should Luka Doncic watch his mouth?

If there is one thing that’s been as constant as Doncic’s stellar performances, it’s got to be his penchant for technical fouls. Second in the league last season with 18 technical fouls and among the leaders this season, even Doncic himself has agreed that he could do better when it comes to complaining to officials. As mentioned before, Doncic and Motts have history with the referee having ejected him once before. To that end, the three-time NBA All-Star admitted that his actions warranted at least the first of the two whistles.

“I probably deserved the one, but two for sure no,” Doncic told reporters. “I deserved the first one, I’m not gonna lie. But for sure not the second one. I was really shocked when I was ejected. It was confusing. I don’t even know what was going on. Then I heard that I got ejected, I was like ‘that was surprise.’ So, I just smiled.” Ultimately, as much as the ejections were not ideal, the Mavericks have bigger problems to face right now. With the loss, Doncic and Co. have no failed to win 10 of their last 16 games which brings them to a record of 15-16. For a team that had ambitions of climbing the Western Conference ladder, that simply isn’t good enough.