Do NFL referees get paid extra for Thanksgiving Day games?
In any sport, the referee’s job is not an easy one. In the high-stakes world of the NFL, one could argue it’s even tougher. Yet, they’re compensated well.

While it’s clearly a time for family and friends, it’s also a time for football and with that NFL games on Thanksgiving Day have become as central to the celebration as the turkey itself. Of course, the question is how do players and referees cope with working on the day, and where officials are concerned, how are they paid?
A look at referee salaries in the NFL
Though there doesn’t seem to be an official figure where referee salaries are concerned, there does appear to be a general consensus on what they pocket per year. That amount has been estimated based on a review of past Collective Bargaining Agreements as well as accounts from former referees themselves. With that in mind, we can say that the average annual salary of a referee in the NFL stands at around $205,000. Given that just a few years ago - before the current CBA was signed - referee salaries were approximately $150,000, we can assume that the aforementioned amount in 2023 may in fact increase when the next CBA is agreed upon. If you’re wondering it will be up for renewal on May 31st, 2026.
Another point to consider is that the current salary is the amount earned by the average official in the NFL, not those who are the top officials in the league i.e., it would be reasonable to assume that the head referees earn somewhat more. According to reports, the amount pocketed by referees can vary depending on the role they have on the field as well as the amount of experience they have amassed. Additionally, one should also understand that referees aren’t simply paid per game. No, they do in fact receive a flat salary and are then paid a per-game fee on top of it. Reports suggest that the per-game rate sits at around $1,500.
Do NFL referees get paid extra for days like Thanksgiving Day?
As far as we can tell, no they don’t. On the other hand, what officials in the league do get paid extra for is playoff games. Again, there are no concrete figures on this, but consensus indicates that referees who are selected to work the postseason and Super Bowl receive a significant increase in their salaries. How much are we talking? Between $3,000 and $5,000 for a postseason game and approximately $50,000 for a Super Bowl according to reports. Days such as Thanksgiving and Christmas while special, do in fact fall within the regular season and thus are treated the same as any other. Interestingly, the other officials on the field such as line judges, down judges, etc. also receive a bump in salary though not as much as the on-field referees. Some estimates place their starting salary for a postseason game at $3,000.