How does one make a life size Taylor Swift cake for the Super Bowl?

Whether you like it or not, Taylor Swift and the NFL are in a relationship. So, why wouldn’t you celebrate their fantastic union with a nice slice of cake?


Ever since Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce began their relationship, football fans have been inundated with reports about the pair, but truly, the focus on the pop sensation has been immense in comparison with the Kansas City Chiefs star tight end. With that, many have enjoyed serious economic gains by taking advantage of the increased interest - we see you NFL. It’s not been limited to the United States either. Indeed, one British baker has now taken a rather unique approach to the Swift frenzy.

A lifesize Taylor Swift cake. That’s right.

According to reports this week, a baker in England has given Swifties the world over a one-of-a-kind tribute to their idol. Lara Mason, a cakemaker from Walsall in the West Midlands has now registered more than 3 million views on TikTok for the lifesize Taylor Swift cake that she sculpted. Mason explained that with the Super Bowl fast approaching, she thought it was the “perfect opportunity” to finally try her hand at a true work of art. The cake itself - as you can see below - depicts Swift wearing a Kansas City Chiefs sweatshirt, which of course makes sense given that her new boyfriend is one of the team’s trophy. Yet, perhaps the most interesting aspect of the sculpture is the fact that Swift can be seen holding the NFL Super Bowl trophy above her head. Perhaps Mrs. Mason has got the inside track on Sunday’s game.

“I really like her” - Lara Mason on Taylor Swift

At 37 years old, Mason runs her own business, ‘Lara Cakes’, so creating unique pieces is likely in her best interest. That said, it’s interesting to note that her desire to create a Taylor Swift cake went beyond simply wanting to profit off of the increased interest in the ‘Shake It Off’ singer.

“I’ve always wanted to make a Taylor Swift cake because for the last maybe five years, she has been top of everyone’s list,” she said. “I really like her, I’m not a diehard Swiftie but I do really appreciate her music and the fact she is a role model for women. ...I never got round to making a cake but obviously the Super Bowl is coming up and me and my husband really enjoy the NFL so to put the two things together, it was the perfect opportunity to go ahead with it. She’s amazing, but having the NFL connection made it even more special.”

But how did Lara Mason make a lifesize Taylor Swift cake?

At 5ft 11″, Taylor Swift is not a short woman. With that in mind, it makes sense that it took Mason 38 hours across a week and 130 kg of ingredients to make the red velvet vanilla-flavored cake. Luckily, her six-year-old twin daughters were on hand to offer support throughout the process.”The girls love it because every day they come home from school, I’ve done a little bit more on the cake. They love telling all their schoolmates that their mummy is the lady that made the Taylor Swift cake.”

Interestingly, Mason also disclosed that her entry into cake making some 13 years ago was inspired by American TV shows where she saw people making “big, extravagant cakes”, something she believed she was fully capable of doing herself. “I was thinking, how hard can it actually be? Then I tried it and realised yeah, actually it’s really hard. It was just all about the challenge at first.” Needless to say, a lot has changed since then with some of the creations having been seen around the world, including a Grinch design that garnered a great deal of attention.

“Whenever something has sort of ugly features, like the Grinch is green and has all the creases in the face, that’s a little bit easier because even if you get something slightly wrong, you still know it’s the Grinch,” she said. “But when it comes to making Taylor Swift, obviously she is so beautiful and her features are so perfect, it’s so hard to do. People will pick apart tiny little details because everyone knows exactly what she looks like.” Of course, the thing everyone wants to know is what will happen to the cake when this is all over. “It’s still standing at the moment. In a way, it’s good that the UK is so cold at the minute because it will stay preserved for a good three or four weeks. She could be our half-time snack during the Super Bowl.”

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