Is Lamar Jackson’s mom his agent? Everything you need to know about Felicia Jones

Not only is she his mother, but Felicia Jones has been a central figure in the career of the Baltimore Ravens starting quarterback and he likes it that way.


From his humble beginnings to the heights of the NFL where he now stands, the Ravens’ signal-caller has had his mother at his side throughout, and it’s something that has defined his approach to life and football in a profound way.

Lamar Jackson’s mother was a rock on which his family was built

At the age of 8 years old, Lamar Jackson lost his father, Lamar Jackson Sr., who died of a heart attack. The oldest of four siblings, the future Baltimore Ravens quarterback was forced to quickly make changes to help around the house. Luckily, his mother, Felicia Jones, was the kind of stuff that legends are written about. According to Jackson, his mother never complained after the death of his father, but rather took care of everything as she would wake up early for work each day, ensuring that the family and their home in Pompano Beach, South Florida, were taken care of.

Indeed, it is a memory that Jackson speaks openly about and how it inspired him to push himself further at all times. “If she can do that, I can do anything,” he once said at a press conference, before adding, “This woman’s a superhero to me.” Yet, it’s interesting to note that Jones’ work ethic and guidance didn’t end with simply child care but extended to her son’s sporting endeavors as well. As per Jackson, his mother was in fact his first coach and following his entry into the NFL via the 2018 Draft, also became his adviser.

What has Lamar Jackson said about Felicia Jones - his mother?

As mentioned before, Jones was a single mother to Lamar Jackson who was born in 1997, and his three younger siblings including Jamar and two sisters whose names have not been disclosed to the public. It was in 2005 when Jackson’s father died and on the same day so too did his grandmother, leaving his mother Felicia without any support whatsoever. “She’s a huge influence on my life, just by raising four of us,” he once said to reporters. “Just [seeing] how she [would] grind and work without complaining...not wanting me to get a job, telling me to focus on football and she’s going to take care of everything else. Seeing that, I was like, ‘If she can do that, I can do anything,’” he added, before calling her a “superhero.”

So, Felicia Jones is not Lamar Jackson’s agent?

No, she’s not. You may or may not know, but Lamar Jackson has often been the subject of reports about the curious fact that he has opted not to hire an agent or manager. Indeed, facets of those two roles appear to be executed by his mother who continues to be the key guiding force in his career.

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