What did Aaron Rodgers say about abortion, California and Donald Trump on Bill Maher’s podcast?

Touching on a whole host of topics, Rodgers made one thing clear and that’s the idea that Donald Trump isn’t a ‘real man.’

Patrick McDermottAFP

Never one to shy away from giving his opinion, the Packers QB weighed in on everything from abortion, to California state governance and even had a few choice words for former president Donald Trump.

Aaron Rodgers isn’t a fan of California’s government

As a native of California, Aaron Rodgers has never hidden his love for his home state. Yet during a recent appearance on Bill Maher’s “Club Random,” it wasn’t words of praise that the Packers QB had for the leadership of the Golden State. “State’s going to s–t but I’m hanging on,” Rodgers said of California, before going on to reference the effect of coronavirus lockdowns on the business sector. “I grew up in a small town, very little cases up in Chico, California but all the small businesses? F–king gone,” he said. Rodgers also went on to criticize AB 2098, a bill that was passed but remains unsigned by Gov. Gavin Newsom which would see doctors punished for spreading misinformation about covid-19. “Based on whose standard of misinformation?” he queried.

A pro-life supporter who is pro-choice

With Rodgers’ refusal to be vaccinated for covid-19 now well documented, it’s clear that the QB favors bodily autonomy, which make his views on the abortion debate curious to say the least. “I think there’s a lot of people that believe that you should have your own decision-making on your own medical decisions,” Rodgers said. “My thing is I have an issue with the hypocrisy in society in general and I know you do as well, but abortion has been a hot topic, right. And especially after Roe v. Wade got overturned and sent back to the states, or whatever. I don’t believe the government should have any control over what we do with our bodies.”

“As much as I might lean more pro-life, I don’t want the government to tell me I can’t smoke a cigar, I can’t have a drink of alcohol, I can’t choose my own medical decisions. And if I’m a woman, don’t f–king tell me what to do. Like whether or not I agree with what you decide to do, who cares? And the government should not have a decision that infringes upon my own personal freedoms.”

Aaron Rodgers doesn’t think Donald Trump is a real man

Perhaps one of the more interesting parts of Rodgers’ appearance was his thoughts on former president Donald Trump and his continued claim that he in fact won the 2020 US election. Rodgers, having made his name and career in the world of professional sports, is all too familiar with the seesaw nature of victory and loss and seemed to suggest that it’s a matter of honesty and being a man when facing loss. “You take it like a man. You don’t go, ‘We won that game.’ That’s what Donald Trump does. ‘We won that game.’ You didn’t. You lost it. It happens. You lose sometimes. Be a f-king man and just own up like every other president has ever done.”

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