Griezmann’s goal against Mamardashvili


Atlético Madrid rediscovered in Valencia what had been forgotten against Villarreal. It was important for them, because that previous defeat left a bad taste in the mouth due to the embarrassing way with which it ended. It was a game in which Valencia took the initiative but Griezmann settled it just two minutes after coming on, with a shot that was cruelly deflected off Soler. That change in direction neutralized Mamardashvili, who had previously denied Atlético on three other clear-cut chances. Brought in last year as back-up, in Mamardashvili Valencia have a Georgian jewel, and quietly he broke into the role of first-choice goalkeeper early on. Football sometimes gives us these surprises.

Gattuso, Mamardashvili and Cavani

With the goalkeeping position resolved, Gattuso has achieved one element. The other remains outstanding, which he hopes Cavani, who has just arrived, will solve. Last night the Uruguayan attended the game, but we’ll see him on the pitch soon, once Maxi Gómez’s departure frees up his place and the money needed to balance the account. Gattuso has improved Valencia because of their new spirit, because the team plays well, but he needs those goals that Cavani can bring him, or because of what may revolve around him. So far, he has won over the fans, which is no small thing because coaching that club is particularly difficult, and he himself has already made that clear when he said: “Working here is like the life of a dog: It’s seven years.”

But let me return to Atleti, to whom these points taste so sweet. Griezmann scores again. He has been playing quite a bit in parts because his loan for two seasons from Barça to Atleti carries a clause of 40 million if he plays half the games. It’ll likely be more than the previous campaign, this year we will often see him enter around the hour mark, unless, of course, an exit is found between now and the end of the transfer window that leaves some room in the club’s accounts. Simeone has balance, we’ll see for how long. For the time being, goal by goal, penny by penny, Griezmann is contributing. Financial control squeezes impact on everyone.