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How can you play at Oak Hill Country Club? How do you become a member?

So you are in Rochester, NY and want to play Oak Hill Country Club. We run down the green fees and membership policy for you.

So you are in Rochester, NY and want to play Oak Hill Country Club. We run down the green fees and membership policy for you.
Adam Cairns
Jeffrey May
A product of Cajun country in south Louisiana, Jeff played football through high school, and baseball through college and beyond. After getting a BFA from the Savannah College of Art & Design, he moved to London, where he worked for Sky Sports and coached the 2005 British Champion Croydon Pirates baseball team. He also cooks a mean jambalaya.

We know how it is. You are at home watching the PGA Championship on tv and thinking, “Wow! That is a beautiful course.” Then a though occurs to you. You will be in Rochester next month. Why not go down to Oak Hill Country Club and play a round?

Well, not so fast there Lash LaRue.

New York state is spoilt for choice when it comes to world class golf courses, and Oak Hill is right at the top of the pile. As such, it is a private club and as such, there are no walk-up visitor green fees on offer at Oak Hill.

To play at the OHCC, you must be a guest of a member or have a membership which, before even considering the cost, requires a sponsorship by three Senior members or two Seniors and one Junior member of the Club.

Assuming that you can overcome those hurdles, you will face an outlay of $70,000 initiation fee, reduced to $40,000 if you live further than a specific mileage from the Club. The lower rate will have the number of rounds per year capped.

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Once initiated, the dues are $800 per month and the capital dues are $300 per month.

Oak Hill Country Club currently has around 850 members and has hosted several US Amateurs, majors, and a Ryder Cup. So if you are fortunate enough to know one of those members, start making inroads and you too could play their famed course.

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