How does Solheim Cup scoring work? Format explained: Fourballs, foursomes and singles

Golf’s biggest female team rivalry resumes at Robert Trent Jones Golf Club. Team USA hope to beat Europe for the first time since 2017.


The Solheim Cup is a prestigious women’s golf tournament where teams from the United States and Europe compete against each other. The 2024 tournament will take place at Robert Trent Jones Golf Club in Gainesville, Virgina from September 13-15. For the second edition in succession, Stacy Lewis captains Team USA, with Suzann Pettersen leading the Europeans.

The Solheim Cup differs from most other golf tournaments, which use the traditional stroke play format. Instead, a match play format is utilized, with each team consisting of 12 players who compete against each other in a series of matches. The team with the most points at the end of the tournament is declared the winner.

How Solheim Cup scoring works


The Solheim Cup is a three-day competition between Team USA and Team Europe. Each team has 12 players, and various matches are scheduled during the competition.

Match play format

In match play, each individual match is a contest between two players (one from each team), or two pairs of players (one from each team). The goal is to win as many matches as possible to accumulate points for your team.


In a foursomes match, two-player teams play with a single golf ball, taking turns to hit the ball until the hole is completed. The team with the lowest number of strokes on a hole wins that hole. If both teams have the same number of strokes, the hole is tied, and neither team gets any points.


Two-player teams compete in fourball matches, with each of the four players playing their own ball throughout the hole. The player with the lowest score on a hole wins that hole for their team, with ties resulting in halved holes.


On the last day of the Solheim Cup, there are 12 individual singles matches where one player from each team competes against the other in stroke play. The player who scores the lowest on each hole earns a point for their team. Tied holes are considered halved.


Points are awarded according to the following system:

  • Foursomes and Fourballs: Each pairing that wins a match will earn one point for their team.
  • Singles: Each winning player in a singles match earns one point for their team.
  • Total Points: The Solheim Cup is won by the team with the most points at the end of three days. In the event of a tie, the team holding the cup retains it.

The Solheim Cup scoring system is a unique format that adds an exciting and competitive element to the tournament. Each team comprises 12 players who play in 28 matches - eight foursomes, eight fourballs, and 12 singles.

Each match is worth one point in this format, and each team receives a half-point in the event of a tie. The team that accumulates the most points at the end of the tournament is declared the winner. The Solheim Cup scoring system creates a thrilling atmosphere, as each match contributes to the team’s overall score, and each match’s outcome can significantly impact the final result.

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