Nathan Haney - Brad Pauls summary online, round by round, stats and highlights

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FOTY contender as Pauls fights Heaney to a draw

Nathan Heaney keeps British Middleweight title in Split Draw

What a fight! The magnificent Seven card started hot, got hotter, then dipped in the middle before ending with a Fight of the Year contender.

While Ezra Taylor, Pierce O’Leary, and Owen Cooper were blazing in their undercard fights, there was some lackluster showings by Zach Parker and Joe Joyce. But the evening was more than redeemed by an absolute war between Nathan Heaney and Brad Pauls.

The early rounds were easily Heaney's sweet spot, as he managed to frustrate Pauls, keeping him at length and outboxing him on the outside. And then Pauls found his way in.

The middle rounds were back and forth, with Pauls making up ground and even getting Heaney into real trouble in the late rounds. The eleventh round could be the best round of boxing this year, maybe even the best round of boxing that we have seen in several years, but the sum total was an outstanding bout between two warriors.

Both men left absolutely everything in the ring. In scenes reminiscent of the Rocky films, they were both completely spent, one punch away from being knocked out, but also unwilling to fall, held erect by sheer willpower alone. Just as Pauls had Heaney teetering, wobbled, and ready to fall, from nowhere comes a shocking left hook from Heaney that sends Pauls reeling. It was incredible stuff!

In the end, while you may disagree with the exact numbers on the judges cards, where one gave the fight to Heaney, one to Pauls, and one had it even, what you must admit, however begrudgingly, is that the right decision was likely reached. Neither man deserved to lose.

As a split draw, there is a possibility that this fight will be run back. And to be honest, this is the type of fight that needs to be done again. If you missed it, you missed out.

Jeffrey May


That is going to do it for our live coverage of Nathan Heaney vs Brad Pauls. We hope that you enjoyed it as much as we did!

Keep abreast of all boxing and sports news with Diario AS USA and stick with us as we bring you a full calendar of top-notch boxing live.

We will return with live boxing coverage on the 30th for Rolly Romero vs Isaac Cruz. Until then, good night and God bless!

Jeffrey May

Fight of the year?

So far... maybe!


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Jeffrey May

Pure showman

It is entertainment after all


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Jeffrey May


The judges at ringside saw it:

116-113 Heaney

115-114 Pauls

114-114 Draw

that is not a terrible score. I felt that Heaney won it, I don't terribly disagree with the draw, but fair play to both men.

Jeffrey May

I had Heaney up by one round going into that last round. I could actually see it being a draw, but I feel like Heaney did just enough to keep his titles in his hands. If I give that last round to Heaney, then he wins by two rounds, but my oh my! What a fight!

Jeffrey May

The final round here and this fight is razor thin margins. The winner of this round will likely win the title!

Pauls needs to get on the front foot here and he lands a hard right hand to start things off. Heaney is wobbled! He stumbles backward and lands a solid counter left hook on Pauls! They are still trading, both giving the final fumes of gasoline that they have left in the tank!

They land left hooks at the same time. This is Rocky type stuff here! Pauls will not stop coming forward and Heaney is unable to keep him off. Heaney trips over Pauls' foot and as the ref signals that it was a slip, Heaney springs to his feet.

The bell sounds and what a fight that was! It is almost impossible to call.

Jeffrey May

Pauls comes out strong, landing a nice right hand to get things going. Pauls is throwing everything at Heaney and is having great success here! Heaney cannot afford to trade with Pauls.

Pauls lands a huge right hand and Heaney is gone! He is wobbled! Holding on for dear life! Pauls has almost punched himself out, but Heaney will not go down! The referee will not break them up, telling them to box on.

Heaney lands a huge shot and now Pauls is hurt! Both men are completely spent! Incredibly, they both survive to the bell and get a standing ovation from the crowd for that round!

Jeffrey May

Both men are shattered but continuing their respective game plans. Heaney is trying to keep the fight at a distance. Pauls is trying to cut the distance down.

Heaney lands a big right hand over the top and Pauls comes back with a huge straight right of his own. Heaney's mouthpiece comes out again and the ref warns him about it. It is a result of Heaney's style of boxiing with his mouth open, but it can be used as a tactic to get a rest.

Jeffrey May

Pauls has the wind in his sail now and comes in strong. Heaney keeps him at arm's length with a stiff jab, but Pauls continues to march forward.

Pauls manages to get inside as the round comes to an end but Heaney did a good job of staying away from that big right hand in that round.

Jeffrey May

Heaney sticks to the oustide work, landing a nice left hook and double jab to keep Pauls at bay. A beautiful right uppercut by Pauls catches Heaney flush and Pauls goes onto the attack! Heaney is in real trouble! He is rocked and Pauls is all over him! Time is called by the ref as Heaney's mouthpiece came out with that uppercut. That was a much needed respite for Heaney.

Pauls goes back in and lands a solid left to the face, Heaney is still buzzed here as the round ends.

Jeffrey May

Heaney is jabbing nicely, but Pauls manages to land a double left hook and close the distance. Heaney is in a little trouble as Pauls lays on the heat, landing a right and another double left hook, pushing Heaney onto the ropes. He manages to weather it and get out of trouble here, before catching Pauls with a nice right hand of his own.

Pauls lands a solid straight right as the round comes to a close.

Jeffrey May

Pauls comes out chopping away with that jab. Double tapping, tripling it up, but Heaney is doing a good job of rolling it, backing away, and then countering with a nice little jab of his own. Pauls is having a bit more success here in this round.

Heaney tries to come forward now and it is Pauls' turn to counter punch, landing a nice right on Heaney's chin. This may be Pauls' best round so far.

Jeffrey May

Pauls is doing a good job of closing that distance now, landing a nice right hand, forcing Heaney to fight off the back foot to an extent.

Heaney catches Pauls with a nice counter right and stops the attack.

Heaney is now on his bike, moving around the outside of the ring, forcing Pauls to follow him around. Working that counter punch nicely, Heaney is starting to find success in sniping Pauls down.

Jeffrey May

Heaney tries to work behind his jab, keeping Pauls at distance. Heaney is stringing together combinations and keeping Pauls outside, but Pauls is able to push his way in and land a right hand of his own.

Jeffrey May

Heaney lands a nice overhand right hand, but Pauls eats it up and continues to march forward. Pauls lands a left to the body and a nice right hand to Heaney's ear.

Pauls lands a nice one two before being wrapped up by Heaney.

Jeffrey May

The two men trade in the center of the ring, and Heaney lands a solid one two, stopping Pauls' charge in it's tracks.

Heaney avoids a shot from Pauls, handing him a stiff jab  for his trouble. Pauls comes forward and throws another, again missing over the top. Another left hook from Pauls finds its mark, rocking Heaney at the bell.

Jeffrey May

Heaney comes out working fast, geed up by the overwhelming support that he seems to have in the arena. He lands a nice left hook to the body of Pauls.

Pauls goes in for a right hook and slips on the way in. The ref is on top of it and waves the fall off as a slip.

Heaney is long and rangey, with an incredibly long reach. As long as the fight stays outside, he is in control. Heaney lands a lovely right hand as Pauls pushes in trying to close that distance.

Pauls catches Heaney with a jab that stumbles him backward right at the bell.

Jeffrey May

My Delilah

What a ringwalk!


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Jeffrey May

Nathan Heaney vs Brad Pauls [British Middleweight title]

And now there is only ONE. The main event. Nathan Heaney makes his first defense of the British Middleweight title against Brad Pauls.

Jeffrey May

World champion

Great stoppage


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Jeffrey May

What a stoppage!



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Jeffrey May


Robles now is trying his hand at working fast, pushing forward and trying to cut the distance with Davies, but Davies responds with a right uppercut and left hook and Robles is down! That was enormous!

Robles gets up and continues but he is clearly buzzed. Dovies comes back and lands another thudding hook and Robles is immediately down again! That is it! The referee immediately waves it off!

Liam Davies is the new IBO World Super Bantamweight champion.

Jeffrey May

Davies comes out like lightning, working from the orthodox stance and going straight at the southpaw Robles, putting him on the back foot almost immediately.

Robles covers well and pushes forward, landing a nice left hand as he does. They trade in the center of the ring and Davies lands a nice right hook as Robles comes forward.

Jeffrey May

Liam Davies vs Erik Robles [IBO World Super Bantamweight title]

And then there were TWO. The Magnificent Seven continues as Liam Davies takes on Erik Robles for the vacant IBO World Super Bantamweight title.

Jeffrey May

That was a strange performance by Joe Joyce. He won every round, but was far too hittable, with Ali landing that overhand right almost at will. A good comeback fight, but there is much to work on if Joyce wants to stay at the top level in the heavyweight division.

Jeffrey May


Joyce is in full on attack mode and Ali puts everything that he has into that overhand right. It lands clean but just bounces off Joyce's head. That might have been everything left that Ali could muster.

Joyce keeps pounding away and Ali is feeling it badly but it looks as if neither of these two is able to get the other one out of there.

Another right hand from Ali lands to no effect. Joyce comes back with a huge right hand that lands flush on Ali's chin! Ali crumples to the floor! What a peach of a shot! Ali struggles to his feet but is not able to beat the count! Joyce gets the KO win!

Jeffrey May

Joyce lets his hands go here and Ali is feeling the body shots. Joyce gets Ali on the ropes but he can't really end the fight here. Ali is still able to slip out and move around the side.

Joyce lands a juge right hand and Ali is rocked! Joyce continues to pound away and Ali is entirely out of gas! He covers up and Joyce is unable to put an end to it. But Ali is completely used up. He has nothing to give hers.

Jeffrey May

Joyce still plowing away but is now missing some big shots here. Ali is clearly hurt here and Joyce is trying to pounce on it, upping the work rate here.

Ali lands that right hand again, but again it seems to bother Joyce not a jot. By contrast, Joyce is thudding away at the body of Ali and it is certainly causing damage.

Jeffrey May

Joyce comes out trying to land the big shot on Ali, but Ali is dealing with it well. Joyce whiffs a huge hook and actually pirouettes, turning all the way around!

Ali seems to be growing here in confidence, tapping away a bit more than in early rounds, landing a few nice shots.

Joyce keeps banging away at those ribs and Ali winces, perhaps now feeling the weight of those huge blows. Ali is struggling here, puffing for air. He looks in a bad way.

Jeffrey May

At the halfway point, Joyce is winning the rounds, but Ali seems to be relying on a kind of rope-a-dope game plan or something. Joyce is plodding forward, punching away, and not really doing much damage with it. Ali is absorbing much of the power, leaning on the ropes and getting that right hand in there from time to time. Joyce is far to easy to catch with it.

Jeffrey May

Joyce is slower this round, marching forward, but not landing the huge shots that he did the previous round. Ali seems happy to work off the back foot, landing the occasional right, and letting Joyce punch away.

Jeffrey May

Joyce comes out a little more freely throwing his hands, and Ali is on the ropes and in trouble here. Joyce needs to stay on the front foot here and get Ali out of there quickly.

Alli recovers and land, what else? that overhand right. Joyce has to somehow figure out how to avoid that punch. As Zhang showed, he is not invincible. Someone with a big overhand right, like Joshua or Wilder, would have a field day with him.

Jeffrey May

Ali comes out throwing his hands a little more freely here and his right hand is pretty much there every time. Joyce is not bothered by any of it, so far.

Ali land another big overhand right. Again Joyce shows no sign that they bother him but he can't simply allow that to continue unchecked.

Jeffrey May

Joyce is marching forward, walking Ali down, and he is doing well with the jab, but none of the big shots are finding the mark. Ali lands a good overhand right, but Joyce eats it well with no visible reaction. That is the shot that Zhang KO'd him with, but he seems to be ok with it.

Joyce eats another overhand right as he thuds a great right to the body of Ali.

Jeffrey May

Joyce and Ali both come out working orthodox, two mountainous men at 6'6" tall and solid with it. Ali lands a big right hand to get things going.

Joyce is big, carrying a lot of weight. He is three stone, that is 42 lbs, heavier than Ali.

Joyce tries to let his hands go a little as the round ends but Ali covers well.

Jeffrey May

Joe Joyce vs Kash Ali [heavyweight]

After four, come THREE in the Magnificent Seven as Joe Joyce faces Kash Ali in his first fight back after two comprehensive KOs by Zhilei Zhang exposed the only chinks in his armor. This is a ten-round heavyweight bout.

Joyce was on a world title challenge path before Big Bang derailed it. Tonight, Joyce wants to get back on track.

Jeffrey May

Exactly this

Good, not great


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Jeffrey May


The judges at ringside score it:




all in favor of Zach Parker. He did well against a slow plodding Tyron Zeuge, but showed that it was a lucky thing that he missed out on that Canelo fight, because Canelo would have humiliated him.

Jeffrey May

Zeuge won two rounds clearly and there were a few others that were close. But Parker won at least six rounds. The knockdown is the only thing that could have kept it within sight, but let's see what the judges say.

Jeffrey May

The final round of this bout and Parker should be way ahead. The knockdown was his only real wobble, but Zeuge is more than capable of a late stunner.

Parker is immediately grabbing Zeuge as he comes in, much to the German's dismay. He has complained about this all night but since the ref is allowing it, he needs to just deal with it.

The final round is a constant three minutes of Zeuge coming in, and Parker holding on. The fight ends with both men looking at each other from the opposite sides of the ring. Terrible.

Jeffrey May

Parker is pushing forward and Zeuge manages to land that heavy right hand, and it is a quick one, but while Parker stumbles, he is not hurt by it.

Parker lands a low blow and the ref calls time to let him recover. Zeuge is doing a lot of complaining to the ref and he has a word with both fighters. Parker lands a big overhand right hand, but Zeuge responds with a huge right hand of his own.

Zeuge is clearly puffed out here but he remains a dangerous man. Parker is wary and gives him space.

Jeffrey May

Zeuge lands a booming right hand, but Parker was moving backward and absorbed it well. That is the danger of Zeuge. As the clench, Parker again goes to the floor, but it is ruled a slip rather than a knockdown.

Parker looks a little tired and he is now doing a lot of holding, going in and just immediately wrapping Zeuge up. He is not trying to do anything other than run time off the clock.

Jeffrey May

Parker is now pushing forward, gaining confidence perhaps, trying to get Zeuge onto the ropes, but that seems a terrible idea. Parker's advantage is his speed, particularly his feet. Zeuge is by far the more powerful of the two punchers. Allowing Zeuge inside can be fatal.

Jeffrey May

Zeuge is trying to quicken the pace, pushing Parker onto the ropes, but Parker is slippery enough to get out of there nicely. Zeuge is dangerous and when he comes forward, has great form. But there is no way he can keep up with the fast pace that Parker is trying to set indefinitely.

As they clench, Zeuge lands a nice left hook. He tries to follow up with big whiffing shots from both hands, but Parker is able to easily avoid it.

Jeffrey May

Parker is sticking with the tap and move, bob and weave, hit and don't get hit strategy and it looks to be working. Zeuge is visibly frustrated, complaining to the referee that when he manages to get in close, Parker grabs him and hopes for the breakup by the ref. As long as the fight is at distance, Parker is in control.

Zeuge plods his way forward, looking for that one big shot, that for the time being eludes him.

Jeffrey May

Parker is back onto the gameplan here, working outside, keeping his distance, jabbing and moving. Zeuge can't zero in on him here and Parker is able to tap away, getting points.

Jeffrey May

Zeuge walks Parker down here and while Parker is fleet of foot, Zeuge's hands are lightning fast, keeping Parker honest in all of the jabs and shots that he tries. The counter is always coming back.

Parker has been switching between orthodox and southpaw and that has nearly been his undoing more than once. Zeuge is fast enough to catch him.

Jeffrey May

Zeuge comes in with a huge right hand and wobbles Parker! He goes on the attack and Parker is in trouble! As he tries to weather this assault, he puts his hand down onto the mat and is counted as a knockdown! Parker may have been too dazed to realize what he was doing but that glove on the floor is a knockdown by the rules.

Parker is now in survival mode and Zeuge is staying on the front foot. He is perhaps to plodding to finish off Parker here, but what a round by Zeuge!

Jeffrey May

Both fighters come out working from the orthodox stance, althought Parker may switch as the fight wears on.

Zeuge takes the center of the ring, with Parker working around the outside, picking off jabs, getting in and out, probing and testing out the defense of the German.

Parker is finding gaps around the guard, landing hooks with both hands. Zeuge has fast hands, but very slow feet.

Jeffrey May

Zach Parker vs Tyron Zeuge

Now we move on to bout number FOUR of the Magnificent Seven, as Zach Parker faces Tyron Zeuge in a ten-round super middleweight contest.

Jeffrey May

McCann wins big

I feel that Strand's broken nose was a huge moment that changed the course of the fight


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Jeffrey May


All three judges scored in favor of McCann by scores of:




and McCann is now the British, Commonwealth, and WBO Intercontinental Super Bantamweight champion.

Jeffrey May

That will be a fairly wide win for McCann. While Strand had glimpses of success, and was finally getting going in the final two or three rounds, he was not able to close the gap set early by McCann.

Let's see how the judges see it.

Jeffrey May

Strand needs a KO here, realistically and he has just had his best round. McCann should just get on his bike and run Strand around the ring for three minutes. But both men are still trading in the center of the ring, and as the clock ticks down the seconds, Strand lands a nice three punch combo, but it is not enough to do any good.

McCann showboats for the final ten seconds and immediately raises his hands on the sound of the bell.

Jeffrey May

McCann comes out strong and Strand is immediately on the back foot. Strand turns the tables with a counter right hand that pushes McCann back, but he is not really willing to commit to an all out assault. McCann recovers and goes back into attack mode, but Strand wobbles him with another right hand. This is the best work that Strand has done in the fight.

Strand catches McCann with back to back one twos but eats a hard left to end the round.

Jeffrey May

Strand puts together a few nice combos to get the round started, and had he fought that way all night, then the fight might have been very different here.

McCann gets on top of Strand and pushes him to the mat, and despite the ringside announcer beginning a count, referee Steve Gray rules it a push and not a knockdown.

McCann is emboldened nonetheless and comes forward, landing some hard left hands. Strands nose is streaming blood again as he takes shot after shot to the head, backpedalling to end the round.

Jeffrey May

McCann opens up with a sharp straight left that snaps Strand's head back, and again looks to be in full control of the pace here. Strand needs to press him harder if he wants to make any mark in this fight.

Strand lands three shots, stopping McCann, but doesn't press it further. McCann immediately gets back into the driver's seat.

Jeffrey May

Strand is still trying that right hand, to his credit, but without working his jab and throwing single shots, it simply is not enough to stop McCann picking him off. On the other side of the ring, McCann's corner are screaming at him to double up his shots, with both men relying on single jabs, single back hands.

McCann gets Strand with the jab but allows his man to get away, slipping out of trouble or coming back with a right hand.

Jeffrey May

McCann starts fast, pushing forward and perhaps looking for a stoppage. Strand is on the back foot and is still struggling with that nose, and it is still bleeding. He will certainly be struggling to breathe now.

Jeffrey May

McCann is cruising here, dictating the pace, keeping Strand off his power shots, and picking off the points round by round. Strand is not doing bad work, but he is not really using his jab to keep McCann off the front foot.

I think that Strand is struggling to breathe with that nose and it is bleeding profusely now. McCann is on the attack and Strand is in some trouble here.

Jeffrey May

Strand is landing that right hand a little more regularly, but McCann is quick and manages to get out of the way of most of the power. Strand slips as the two get their feet tangled up, and the ref is right on top of it.

Jeffrey May

Strand is starting to have a little success, but the more eye-catching shots are coming from McCann. Both trade in the center of the ring and whild Strand lands some nice right hands to the midriff, it is the left hook from McCann that is catching Strand on the way in.

Jeffrey May

Strand is back on more solid legs here, moving well, landing a nice one two. McCann is straight back with that long left hand, landing it downstairs.

Strand lands a three punch combo but no real damage done.

Jeffrey May

McCann lunges forward and lands a HUGE right hook that catches Strand flush on the chin, sending him to the canvas! Strand is straight back up but has to take the count.

McCann lands another strong left and Strand tumbles to the ropes! His nose is swollen and red, possibly broken. McCann is on the attack and Strand looks to be on shaky legs!

Strand looks like he has weathered the immediate danger but that nose is definitely broken. It is shifted well over under his left eye. That will cause serious trouble. Strand survives the round but is in all kinds of trouble.

Jeffrey May

McCann comes out working from the southpaw stance with Strand working orthodox. They are both wary of the other, and try to jab and probe and find a way to get to their opponenet. Neither wants to stake out the center nor surrender it as they move forward and back, testing the defenses of the other.

Strand lands a jab as McCann comes in with a big left hand that misses.

Jeffrey May

Dennis McCann vs Brad Strand [British and Commonwealth Super Bantamweight titles]

Two down and the fights get better and better! Now we move to fight FIVE of the Magnificent Seven as Dennis McCann defends his British and Commonwealth Super Bantamweight titles against Brad Strand. The vacant WBO Intercontinental belt will also be on the line.

Jeffrey May

First round shot

Here is that first huge shot


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Jeffrey May


Eithan James pleads with his trainer from the stool not to do it, but his corner informs the ref that they are pulling their man out of the fight!

That stings, but it is the right decision. James has been battered today. He has taken too many big shots to the head and he was virtually out in that last round. Barring a miracle, there was no way that he could win. I had him six rounds down on my card and the ringside judges' cards were similar.

Owen Cooper is now the new WBO European Welterweight and English Welterweight champion.

Jeffrey May

James comes out working nicely, moving well and landing some great jabs. Cooper is looking a little slower than he was earlier and more untidy but he is still bullish, pushing forward and charging James with every shot.

James lands a sweet left hook to the chin. Cooper comes in and whiffs with the uppercut and right hand only to eat another left on the way out. James is looking better here in this ninth round.

Cooper lands a gigantic right hand! James is virtually out on his feet but manages to hold on for the bell!

Jeffrey May

Cooper is relentless! He stays on the front foot no matter what James does. Jabs can't keep him back and when the fight moves inside, Cooper is getting the better shots away.

James continues to switch between southpaw and orthodox and is doing a better job of evading Cooper but the big right hand still gets in. A nice left hook finds James' chin at the bell as well.

Jeffrey May

James is trying to keep the fight outside, tapping away with the double and triple jab, but Cooper is determined to cut that distance down, pushing forward and bullying his way inside.

James does a good job of evading that left hook, and keeping the distance intact, but not every shot can be dodged. Cooper snaps James' head back with a left hand.

Jeffrey May

At the halfway point, I'm not sure if James has won any round in this fight. I could give him the last round, but one through four were Cooper, all the way.

Cooper lands a big right hand as James was moving away and follows it up with a great one two, but James recovers quickly. The two fighters clench on the ropes and the fight goes inside, where Cooper is getting the better of the battle.

As the ref breaks them, Cooper lands a huge right hand, and both men go toe to toe and again, Cooper lands that left hook cleanly. James moves back to distance and works forward with that jab and right, but a left from Cooper stops his shots dead in their tracks.

Jeffrey May

Cooper is on a full out assault, not just walking James down, but lunging at him. That is very dangerous. So far, he has landed his shots, but James is beginning to figure out how to contain that attack and the counter shot is a real danger in these situations.

Cooper lands a huge left hand to the chin and while James is tapping away with double and triple jabs, they are having no effect on Cooper as yet.

Jeffrey May

James looks like he may have recoverd from that big knockdown now, back to working sharp and getting out of the way of some of the shots coming at him. He still hasn't figured out how to break Cooper down though.

Cooper lands a left uppercut and a right cross that send James stumbling back to the ropes. James manages to slip a couple of shots and lands a nice left to the chin.

Jeffrey May

James is back to southpaw again and it is baffling. James has the look of being entirely out of his depth here. Cooper is sticking to bob-and-weave boxing, traditional, keeping his guard high, and sticking shot after shot on James. Another right hand snaps James' head back.

James is on the back foot, switching styles from orthodox to southpaw and walks onto a big right hand in the process. Cooper lands a one two on the chin and that left hook can't miss. James is taking it all, but my word! How much punishment can he take?

Cooper has won every round so far, and handily.

Jeffrey May

What an astonishing start! As round two gets going, James switches to the orthodox side and tries to get his feet working again. He seems confused, switching from orthodox to southpaw and most often working neither in one nor the other, keeping his feet square to his opponent. James is keeping his chin high and hands low and you have to think that it is only a matter of time before Cooper lands another big shot.

Cooper is full of confidence, moving in, throwing great jabs and landing with that left hook that simply cannot miss!

Cooper lands a thudding right hand and follows it with a left hook that lands cleanly. To his credit, James takes it, but this is all one way traffic!

Jeffrey May

James comes out working southpaw as Cooper works from the orthodox side. The pace isblazing as they both come straight forward and try to dominate the contest. As James comes forward, Cooper lands a peach of a right on James' chin! James goes down!

He manages to get up and beat the count, but he is rattled! James switches back to orthodox and manages to lose his mouthpiece as Cooper's right hand simply cannot miss! He gets a respite to put the mouthpiece back in, but when action starts up again, Cooper lands both hands and James is in real trouble! The bell saves his life here!

Jeffrey May

Eithan James vs Owen Cooper [WBO European Welterweight and (vacant) English Welterweight titles]

What an opening! Now we move to bout number SIX of our Magnificent Seven, as Eithan James faces Owen Cooper in a ten-round welterweight contest for James' WBO European Welterweight title and the vacant English Welterweight title. Both are undefeated, but someone's O has to go!

Jeffrey May

The shot

Dear me!


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Jeffrey May

Top Notch finish

What a shot to end it.


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Jeffrey May

Martirosyan put up a great fight and kept it close in the early going but ultimately, Pierce O'Leary was too much for him. That left hook was the danger shot and it put the Belgian down twice, eventually stopping Martirosyan dead in his tracks. Pierce O'Leary defends his WBC International Super Lightweight title.

Jeffrey May

AND STILL: O'Leary wins by KO

O'Leary lands a great straight right hand to stop Martirosyan's attack and as they trade jabs, O'Leary manages to land that left hook that he has been looking for, the same one that dropped Martirosyan in the first.

With 30 seconds left in the fight, there is a one-two that sets up a peach of a left hook! Martirosyan goes down and has no intention of getting up! He is counted out!

Jeffrey May

Martirosyan comes out quickly, landing a nice right hand and opens the cut on O'Leary's eye now. Both are taking a battering here, and both are looking for the big shot to end it all. This is such an even contest!

Both clash and exchange with both landing eye catching shots, snapping their opponent's head back.

Martirosyan lands a huge right to the body that buckled O'Leary's knees.

Jeffrey May

O'Leary lands a huge left hook that stops Martirosyan's attack dead, sending the Belgian rocking back on his heels! Martirosyan recovers quickly but that cut is open again and freely bleeding. It doesn't look to be running into his eye, but it looks like a bad cut. It might need a stitch or two.

Martirosyan goes down in a clench but the referee says that it was just a slip. O'Leary is emboldened and comes straight forward, attacking with both hands to the body. Martirosyan is looking a little shaken as the round ends.

Jeffrey May

At the halfway point, they are pretty even. Martirosyan is winning the last couple of rounds but that early knockdown is working against him.

O'Leary is trying to walk Martirosyan down, but he needs to get back to work with that jab. He is looking for the big shot, maybe the early knockdown has made him over confident, but his best work was early when he was jabbing and working the body.

O'Leary lands a huge overhand right and now Martirosyan has a cut on his left eye! This one is bigger than the one on O'Leary, it is more open and bleeding quite heavily. His corner will have their work cut out for them.

Jeffrey May

Martirosyan is now having more success with that counter, wobbling O'Leary with a stinging left hook. His punches aren't as hard as O'Leary's but they are accurate and increasing in volume. He looks like he has his timing down and O'Leary is in a bit of trouble here.

O'Leary is trying to stay compact, and moving his feet, but the free flowing style of Martirosyan and his loose hands are having effect.

Jeffrey May

O'Leary has decided that the best defense is to stay on the offense and he comes in low, throwing lefts and rights to the body. His corner has done a good job on that eye and it is not free flowing blood any more.

Martirosyan covers and takes O'Leary's shots before countering nicely with a right uppercut. Boxing off the back foot, he lands a left hook as the round ends.

Jeffrey May

Martirosyan is looking for that right hook and manages to land a nice left to set it up as O'Leary comes in. The Dubliner stays on the front foot, but it looks like O'Leary has a cut on his eye!

That seems to spur the Belgian on and he comes in and lands a heavy three punch combo, and now it is O'Leary's turn to cover and run.

Blood is really flowing from that eye now and that could be an issue if it hampers his vision.

Jeffrey May

O'Leary comes out working his jab and Martirosyan waves a big left hook that lands nicely on O'Leary. Coming back with a heavy one-two, O'Leary wobbles Martirosyan before chopping a hard right hand that sends the Belgian to the ropes. Big power out of the Irishman!

With a flavor of Ricky Hatton, O'Leary lands a double touch jab before stepping to the side and coming in with a hard left hook to the body. Great movement!

Jeffrey May

Dubliner O'Leary comes out banging and manages to drop the Belgian Martirosyan with a minute to go in the round. That seemed to wake Martirosyan and he lands some heavy right hands in the waning seconds, but what a round by O'Leary.

Jeffrey May

Pierce O’Leary vs Hovhannes Martirosyan [WBC International Super Light title]

Now the first fight of the undercard as Pierce O’Leary and Hovhannes Martirosyan will square off for the WBC International Super Light title.

Jeffrey May

Emphatic win

Great show by Ezra Taylor


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Jeffrey May

Preliminary match results

Ezra Taylor wobbled Prince Oko Nartey on several occasions straight out of the box, and the barrage just got more intense in round two as there was one each way: Oko Nartey was knocked down and it was judged to be a slip, and then he slipped and was counted as a knockdown. Taylor pressed the advantage and very nearly got the stoppage. Taylor looked a bit gassed in the third and landed a low blow which gave Oko Nartey a bit of a breather but it was not enough to save him. Another knockdown followed by a total shellacking in the fourth was enough to convince the referee to call a halt to the proceedings. Ezra Taylor moved to 8-0 and takes the Commonwealth Silver Light Heavyweight title as Prince Oko Nartey slides to 11-3. Taylor is now the mandatory challenger for Joshua Buatsi’s Commonwealth belt.

Jeffrey May

Magnificent 7

The undercard is tasty


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Jeffrey May


This is going to be a classic card


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Jeffrey May

The Full Card

Nathan Heaney* vs Brad Pauls [British Middleweight title] 12 rounds
Liam Davies vs Erik Robles [super bantamweight] 12 rounds
Joe Joyce vs Kash Ali [heavyweight] 10 rounds
Zach Parker vs Tyron Zeuge [super middleweight] 10 rounds
Dennis McCann* vs Brad Strand [British and Commonwealth Super Bantamweight titles] 12 rounds
Eithan James vs Owen Copper [welterweight] 10 rounds
Pierce O’Leary vs Hovhannes Martirosyan [super lightweight] 10 rounds
Ezra Taylor vs Prince Oko Nartey [light heavyweight] 10 rounds

The undercard is set to get underway at 2:30 pm ET / 11:30 am PT.

Jeffrey May

Tale of the tape

Nathan Heaney

Age: 34

Stance: Orthodox

Height: 6ft 1in

Reach: 74”

Record: 18-0-0

Brad Pauls

Age: 30

Stance: Orthodox

Height: 5ft 10in

Reach: 71”

Record: 18-1-0

Jeffrey May


Welcome to Diario AS USA’s live coverage of the British middleweight title bout between Nathan Haney and Brad Pauls from the Resorts World Arena in Birmingham, England.

Nathan Heaney will make the first defense of the British middleweight title that he won in November when he upset Denzel Bentley in a razor-thin majority decision.

Brad Pauls is getting his second bite at the apple, with his first British title challenge against Tyler Denny over a year ago ending in Pauls’ only career defeat. Since then, Pauls has been on a comeback road, and is coming off an eighth round stoppage of Mitchell Frearson for the English middleweight belt in September.

Frank Warren’s Queensberry Promotions has provided a solid card that includes Joe Joyce, who is looking to rebuild his career after two emphatic losses to Zhilei Zhang. Prior to that fight, Joyce had shown no chink in his armor, stopping some of the biggest names in the heavyweight game: Daniel Dubois, Carlos Takam, and Joseph Parker were all to fall victim to Joyce’s hammer fist KO. In his first bout of this rebuild, Joyce has to face an experienced Kash Ali, who is making a step up in quality with this fight.

Dennis McCann will put his Commonwealth Super Bantamweight title on the line, as well as challenging for the vacant British and WBO Inter-Continental Super Bantam titles when he faces Brad Strand. Both fighters are undefeated and this should be a tasty contest at the lighter divisions.

Jeffrey May