Vasiliy Lomachenko - George Kambosos Jr. summary online, round by round, stats and highlights

Lomachenko too much for Kambosos

Lomachenko is back and better than ever

The fight was a tasty matchup from the get go. Lomachenko lost to Teofimo Lopez. George Kambosos beat Teofimo Lopez. All those titles went to Devin Haney in a bout that most people think that Lomachenko actually won. This round robin of world champions promised to be so much tonight.

In the end, however, it was nothing of the sort.

Vasyl Lomachenko worked circles around George Kambosos. And make no mistake, Kambosos is a great fighter, a true world champion. But Lomachenko made him look pedestrian.

That should tell you all that you need to know about Lomachenko. Is he back? You bet. And better than ever.

Kambosos did some good work with his hands, but Lomachenko was doing it with his feet and it looked as if Kambosos had no answer for the quick change, in and out style coming from different angles. Lomachenko, in the end, dominated and outclassed a great fighter in George Kambosos.

And just when it looked to be headed for a lopsided points decision, the unthinkable happened. Kambosos went down in the eleventh round. Then he went down again and his corner threw the towel in. That is the first time in his career that Kambosos has been stopped. The heavy body shots that Lomachenko invested so heavily in through the first ten rounds paid dividends for him.

What is next for Lomachenko? Who knows, maybe a Teofimo Lopez rematch on the horizon. But for now, the aging Vasyl Lomachenko pushed the sun back up into the sky one more time and gave us what we all dreamed of seeing. The very best of himself.

Jeffrey May


That is going to do it for our live coverage of Vasyl Lomachenko vs George Kambosos. We hope that you enjoyed it as much as we did!

Keep abreast of all boxing and sports news with Diario AS USA and stick with us as we bring you a full calendar of top-notch boxing live.

We will return with live boxing coverage next Saturday for the fight that everyone is waiting for, Tyson Fury vs Oleksandr Usyk for the undisputed heavyweight title. Until then, good night and God bless!

Jeffrey May

"I gave it my best"

"I gave it my all, gave it my best, and he beat me. He deserves that title." Great words from George Kambosos.

Jeffrey May

AND THE NEW: Vasyl Lomachenko wins by TKO

Vasyl Lomachenko is the new IBF Lightweight champion. He is back!

Jeffrey May

Champion again!

Loma is back and better than ever.


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Jeffrey May


Loma comes in and out, getting his points and landing that jab. Kambosos is still coming back with great hands.

Loma lands a hard left and Kambosos goes down but it is ruled a slip. He comes back with another left and Kambosos goes back down and this time there is no doubt!

Kambosos beats the count but Loma jumps on him and goes back to the body and Kambosos goes down again as the towel comes in from his corner! That is is!

Loma stops him and Kambosos is stopped for the first time in his career!

Jeffrey May

Kambosos lands a nice right hand to start things off  but Loma comes back with a stinging double jab, turning Kambosos again. Loma's changes of angle are baffling the Australian.

Kambosos' eye is streaming blood again and he is simply overmatched here.

Jeffrey May

Kambosos starts off with a double jab right hand and lands cleanly but he doesn't follow that up and lets Loma get back onto the front foot.

Loma lands a nice straight right.

They tie up in the corner and Loma lands several hard left hands on Kambosos. That blood is flowing now from the eye of the Australian.

Jeffrey May

Loma is on the front foot again and Kambosos needs to address that.

Loma lands a cracking right hook and Kambosos has a cut on his right eye now.

Loma gets a little lazy and Kambosos lands a four punch combo.

Loma finishes the round with a beautiful left hook.

Jeffrey May

Kambosos has staked out the center of the ring, forcing Loma to work outside, but that seems to be ok for him with those quick feet.

Loma lands a shot and Kambosos goes to the ground but it is ruled a slip and not a knockdown.

Kambosos throws and lands a nice left to the body and Loma responds with his own shot to the body.

Jeffrey May

Loma is coming into his own, ramping up the pressure as the rounds go on. Kambosos needs to go in and get this fight into a scrap if he wants to keep it within view.

Kambosos has great hand speed but his footwork is not keeping up with Loma. He uses his hands to get some quick points and lands a nice double jab and then a left to the body.

Jeffrey May

Kambosos is working off the back foot and manages to catch Loma with a nice left hand but he needs to get ugly, tie Loma up and go to work on the inside.

Kambosos marches in with a double jab and caps it with a sweet left hook to the ribcage.

Loma responds with a straight left to the face.

Loma catches Kambosos with a left to the ear and the Aussie stumbles, not quite touching the canvas, but not far away from it either.

Jeffrey May

Loma takes the center of the ring and Kambosos is working around the outside. Loma is an expert at cutting that ring off and Kambosos doesn't want to stay out there too long.

Loma's footwork is excellent and he comes in and out, landing that left hand at will. Kambosos catches him with a sweet counter punch on the way in.

Loma comes in and turns Kambosos, landing a left to the face on the way out. Great round for Loma!

Jeffrey May

Loma starts the round with a nice foot feint and backs it up with a clean jab. Kambosos pushes back with a nice one two that pushes Loma back onto his heels.

As Kambosos comes forward, Lomachenko is landing solid shots on the counter punch. The speed of Loma is improving. He is working in and out and using his feet really well.

Kambosos comes out banging and Loma gives it back. They both trade after the bell and then chirp at each other!

Jeffrey May

Both men are still wary, still circling. Loma often starts slow and that would be a mistake against Kambosos who likes to jump out front early.

Loma has quick feet and gets in and out but Kambosos has blazing hand speed.

As Kambosos comes in for another flurry, Loma turns him and uses his feet to get out of the way, landing a nice combo of his own on the way out.

Jeffrey May

Kambosos comes out working orthodox while Lomachenko is in his normal southpaw stance. Both are circling each other, wary of the other man and as Loma comes in for a high left hand, Kambosos slaps the ribs with a quick three punch combo. As they circle each other, Kambosos lands that same body combo again. Beautiful work by the Australian.

Loma takes a minute but comes in with a fast one two, in and out then doing it again.

Kambosos allows himself to be backed onto the ropes and Loma lands a nice left on the way out.

Jeffrey May

Vasyl Lomachenko vs George Kambosos Jr [IBF & IBO Lightweight titles]

Now it is time for the main event as the greatest Olympic champion ever Vasyl Lomachenko takes on the former unified world champion George Kambosos Jr for the vacant IBF and the IBO Lightweight titles.

Jeffrey May

That wild moment

Here is the announcement


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Jeffrey May

Moloney reiterates his position

He doubles down.


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Jeffrey May

That 98-92 was incredibly wide. Johnson did well, and I thought that she probably won it, but only just. Maybe by a round or two. How do you give her eight rounds? That feels like a hometown decision.

Jeffrey May


What a mistake!


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Jeffrey May

Wow! The ring announcer actually called it for Hughes and then corrected himself. There is some bad blood in the place right now. Nobody knows what is going on.

Jeffrey May

AND THE NEW: Cherneka Johnson wins by MD

The judges at ringside saw the fight as:

95-95 DRAW



both in favor of your winner Cherneka Johnson, the new WBA World Bantamweight champion by majority decision.

Jeffrey May

Johnson is throwing everything at Hughes now, with an insane work rate this round. The roles have reversed in that sense, with Hughes backing away, throwing just enough to stay in the fight.

As the round wears on, Hughes gets involved in a tear up, but Johnson is bringing it to her.

Jeffrey May

Johnson starts to push harder, setting up multiple jabs and coming forward to force Hughes into a war. They trade like gangbusters.

Jeffrey May

They are in the middle of the ring and trading. This fight has not slowed at all over these eight rounds and both ladies are going hell for leather. Both land huge shots and both eat strong right hands.

Jeffrey May

For as active as Hughes is, and believe me she is active, Johnson is the fighter who looks to be more in control of this bout. She is slipping the big shots and countering well especially with that jab.

Hughes lands enough shots that Johnson's nose starts bleeding.

Jeffrey May

Johnson is staying on the front foot and manages to land a lovely back hand off of a jab feint. That was beautiful!

Johnson's head movement is nice as well, as she slips the counter right and lands one of her own, turning the champ and landing a left hook.

Jeffrey May

Johnson is pushing forward, marching toward Hughes and forcing the champ to work off the back foot. As Johnson gets a little greedy, Hughes counters with a flurry of shots and ties the challenger up.

Jeffrey May

Johnson picks up the pace this round and matches Hughes' output almost shot for shot, landing a peach of a left hook that knocks Hughes off balance momentarily. There are howls of protest from Johnson's corner as Hughes' mouthpiece falls out. They are complaining that it was spat out on purpose.

Jeffrey May

While Hughes is throwing more punches, it is perhaps Johnson who has the more hurtful shots landing and Hughes comes out with her face showing some bruising already.

Johnson stays picky, landing very few shots, but all of them hurtful.

Jeffrey May

The pace is relentless as Hughes is staying on the front foot. Johnson counters a few shots nicely but it is not enough to slow Hughes down. This is a punishing pace and I am not sure that this can be sustained.

Jeffrey May

Hughes got started like lightning, throwing a dazzling number of shots right out of the gate. Johnson is taller, longer, and sticks a couple of nice jabs on Hughes. But the champ is undaunted, working at a blazing speed both to the body and the head.

Jeffrey May

Nina Hughes vs Cherneka Johnson [WBA World Bantam]

And now another world title fight as Australia's Cherneka Johnson will challenge England's Nina Hughes for her WBA World Bantamweight title.

Jeffrey May


Incredible difference here


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Jeffrey May

"I'm retired"

Yikes! Andrew Moloney says to the crowd, "I'm retired, I'm out. Fuck that!" He is definitely not happy about that loss.

Jeffrey May

Mexico's newest champion

Getting the split decision in Perth.


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Jeffrey May

AND THE NEW: Pedro Guevara wins by SD

The judges saw it as:

115-113 Guevara

116-113 Moloney

113-115 Guevara

and Pedro Guevara wins by split decision and is the new WBC Interim World Super Fly champion.

Jeffrey May

As I say, it is impossible for me to have an intelligent opinion on this one, so I won't even try. Let's see what the judges at ringside say.

Jeffrey May

The final round and it could come down to this. It is impossible for me to score it objectively, having missed the first three rounds, but in the remaining nine that I have watched, this has been as even a fight as you could hope to see. It could well all come down to this.

Guevara lands yet another peach of a left hand, but Moloney is coming in and landing his own combinations. They are both letting their hands go and it ends as it began, with both men trading shots.

Jeffrey May

Guevara is on the front foot here, stalking his man, walking Moloney down and getting that left hook to do damage every time he gets in close. This is a good spell from him here. Moloney is slow and ponderous this round, not throwing much back.

Jeffrey May

They come out and trade, tit for tat, shot for shot, with Moloney snapping out the hands lightning fast, but Guevara staying on the body and thudding away.

With very little between them, Moloney is starting to look a little slower than before.

Jeffrey May

Moloney gets a bit overconfident and stands with Guevara trading rather than moving in and out. That is a mistake. Guevara is the heavier handed of the two and trading on the inside will work against the Australian.

As if by magic, Moloney suddenly snaps out of it and gets back on his bike, moving his feet and getting out of the way.

Jeffrey May

Moloney does much better this round, peppering Guevara with more shots, really laying into a flurry in the final thirty seconds or so.

Jeffrey May

Guevara is having a great round here, landing those body shots and doubling them up, getting them in twos and threes. They accidentally clash heads and Guevara comes out a little marked up, with a cut on the bridge of his nose.

Moloney is still moving well, but his shots are coming in single bursts. As he comes forward with a left hand, Guevara throws three hard shots to the midriff.

Jeffrey May

Moloney is the quicker of the two, moving nicely in and out, but it is Guevara who has timed his man the better, landing beautiful counters each time that Moloney comes in. While Moloney keeps a high guard, Guevara is busy working on the body and his shots are all heavy. They will take a toll soon enough.

Jeffrey May

Both fighters are trying to work a counter punch strategy, throwing their hands when their opponent comes in. Moloney is perhaps getting the better shots away but Guevara has started to land more right hands and plants a sweet left hook on Moloney as he comes in for a low combo.

Just on the bell, Guevara times a left uppercut to perfection, snapping Moloney's head back. What a shot!

Jeffrey May

The Australian Moloney faces the Mexican Pedro Guevara in the first bout of the evening. The bout is scheduled for 12 rounds and we apologize for technical issues which kept us out of action for the first three rounds of this bout. Round four gets underway with Moloney using his feet and moving nicely as he circles Guevara, dipping in and landing nice shots then getting out of the way. Guevara marches straight forward and lands a good one two on the Australian.

Jeffrey May

Andrew Moloney vs Pedro Guevara [WBC Interim World Super Fly]

In a fantastic undercard bout, Andrew Moloney will face Pedro Guevara for the WBC Interim World Super Fly title. We join the action live in progress as round three comes to an end.

Jeffrey May

The Australian, former unified lightweight champion, will face Ukrainian Vasiliy Lomachenko for the IBF belt on Saturday night in Sydney, Australia.

Jeffrey May

The Full Card

Vasyl Lomachenko vs George Kambosos Jr [IBF & IBO Lightweight titles]
Andrew Moloney vs Pedro Guevara [WBC Interim World Super Fly]
Nina Hughes vs Cherneka Johnson [WBA World Bantam]
Imam Khataev vs Ricards Bolotniks [light heavyweight]
Lucas Browne vs Hemi Ahio [heavyweight]
Joseph Goodall vs Faiga Opelu [heavyweight]

The main undercard is set to get underway at 10pm ET / 7pm PT.

Jeffrey May

Tale of the tape

Vasyl Lomachenko
Age: 36
Country: Ukraine
Height: 5ft 7in
Reach: 65.5”
Record: 17-3-0

George Kambosos Jr
Age: 30
Country: Australia
Height: 5ft 9in
Reach: 68”
Record: 21-2-0

Jeffrey May

One of boxing’s fan favorites Lomachenko is back in action this weekend as he takes on ‘Ferocious’ Kambosos Jr. in Perth, Australia.

Jeffrey May

The former three-division world champion will be back in action against Kambosos Jr. in a fight for the vacant IBF lightweight title.

One of boxing’s fan favorites Vasiliy Lomachenko will return to action this weekend in a fight where he’s a big favorite to come out on top.

The Ukrainian will face the Australian George Kambosos Jr. at RAC Arena in Perth, looking to win the vacant IBF lightweight title.

“I’m just looking forward to the IBF title. I need to take my title, and then after that, I can think about my future”, Hi-Tech said in the pre-fight press conference.

Lomachenko, a double Olympic gold medalist, knows he won’t be in boxing for a long time, as he’s 36 and accomplished a lot during his career. However, he wants to win another belt and Kambosos Jr. offers him that possibility.

‘Loma’ wants to forget the Haney defeat

Lomachenko will make his first appearance inside the ring after suffering a controversial points defeat to Devin Haney in May last year.

Many believe The Matrix should have won the fight against the American, but Haney kept his undisputed lightweight champion status after winning the fight by unanimous decision.

Lomachenko has had 20 fights as a professional, winning 17 and losing three. Out of his 20 victories, 11 were by KO. Only three men have been able to defeat Loma: Haney, Teofimo Lopez, and Orlando Salido.

As a professional, he won world titles in three divisions: featherweight, junior lightweight, and lightweight. In his pro debut, he captured the WBO International featherweight title against Jose Luis Ramirez. Three years later, he won he became a junior lightweight champion by beating Roman Martinez and was champion at lightweight after coming out on top against Jorge Linares in 2018.

The Ukrainian is also one of the fighters with the best, most accomplished amateur career and has won multiple championships before turning pro. Besides his success in the Olympics (2008, 2012), he was also a two-time World Championship gold medalist (2009, 2011). He was also the best in the European Championship (2008), Junior World Championship (2006), and Cadet European Championship (2004).

Jeffrey May


Welcome to Diario AS USA’s live coverage of the clash for the vacant IBF Lightweight title between two great champions as Lomachenko and Kambosos butt heads in the RAC Arena in Perth, Western Australia.

Lomachenko failed in his bid to become an undisputed lightweight champion against Devin Haney last year, and now the Ukrainian will face a former 135lb undisputed champion in Perth.

Can Lomachenko add another world title to what is already an impressive resume? Or will Kambosos produce an upset and become a two-time world champion?

Jeffrey May