Who has been on the cover of Sports Illustrated the most?

As we come to terms with the shocking news of mass layoffs at Sports Illustrated, we’re taking a look at those who were featured on its cover the most.


Easily recognizable as one of the most famous sports news houses in the United States, there is no way to overstate the shock that has come as a result what is going on at Sports Illustrated. Join us for a look at the history of the magazine and those who have graced its cover more than any others.

Past to Presents: A look back at Sports Illustrated

Though it may surprise you to know it, there were actually two other magazines by the name of ‘Sports Illustrated’ before the one that we know today was launched in 1954. The initial version - released in 1936 by Stuart Scheftel - focused primarily on golf, tennis, and skiing with a collection of articles related to the major sports. After a circulation that ended in 1942, Scheftel sold the publication to Dell Publications which released its own version with the same name in 1949.

Interestingly, the magazine was were monthly and did not cover current events due to production schedules i.e., there was no magazine that serviced a public that wanted a weekly sports magazine that covered events that were active at the time. It was at that point that Time magazine under the patronage of Henry Luce took an interest and so the magazine we know today was born. Since that time it has grown from a collection of articles that were centered more on the spors of the elite such as yachting, polo, and safaris, to in-depth coverage of the major sports that we know and love. This of course brings us to the cover and the prestige that began to be associated with being featured on it. Indeed, over the years the Sports Illustrated cover has been graced by some the best athletes from not just the United States, but the world as well.

Who has been on Sports Illustrated’s cover the most?

While there have been countless issues since the very first which was published back on August 9th, 1954, there are some that stand out more than others as they featured some of the greatest sportsmen and women that we’ve ever had the privilege to see. From the likes of Muhammad Ali and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, to Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods, there have been varying sports represented by varying stars. For a look at those who reign supreme. Take a look below:

AthleteSportNo. of Covers
Michael JordanBasketball50
Muhammad AliBoxing40
LeBron JamesBasketball25
Tiger WoodsGolf24
Magic JohnsonBasketball23
Kareem Abdul-JabbarBasketball22
Tom BradyAmerican Football20

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