Sebastian Vettel holds last supper with Formula 1 drivers

Rivalries aside, the German brought together the twenty drivers on the Formula 1 grid at the same table to say goodbye to the World Cup in style.


It is not a common image to see, but it is a tradition that has been maintained over the years. There is still one race to go this weekend, but the Formula 1 drivers have already begun their season-ending celebrations. And, on Thursday night, the “last supper” took place, a meeting where the twenty drivers on the grid shared the same table.

Goodbye Seb

The 20 official Formula 1 drivers were present and they left behind their rivalries on the track. But this time, dinner would be more special than ever. The meeting served as a farewell to one of the most beloved drivers on the grid, Sebastian Vettel, who will say goodbye to Formula 1 definitively after this weekend in Abu Dhabi.

Despite the fact that Daniel Ricciardo, Nicolas Lafiti and Mick Schumacher will also say goodbye to the paddock, at least by 2023, the four-time world champion took all the attention. There were already several who had wanted to honor the legend, but a meeting of the twenty, where good vibes reigned, was the best gift for the German.

It was not easy to find a restaurant that suited us all, but it has been fun”, revealed Charles Leclerc through social networks, where everyone showed the relaxed and fun atmosphere that was present during dinner.

“A fun night, thanks Seb”, wrote Fernando Alonso, along with a group snapshot on his social networks.

“Decent pilots, better people! It was fun!” Carlos Sainz published.

Later, Hamilton went deeper on his Instagram profile: “An unforgettable night. We came to F1 as children and within this world we grow up to become men. No matter what happens on the court, we become better people every day. The fact that we have all gathered for dinner to celebrate Seb’s life and career is truly an evening I will not forget.”