Teams Total attempts on goal which are off target or hit the post/crossbar
1Mexico Mexico59 Total attempts on goal which are off target or hit the post/crossbar
2Ukraine Ukraine38
3France France35
4Qatar Qatar33
USA United States of America33
5Japan Japan30
6Portugal Portugal28
7Switzerland Switzerland26
8Sweden Sweden25
9England England24
Panama Panama24
10Turkey Turkey23
11Germany Germany22
Latvia Latvia22
Spain Spain22
Montenegro Montenegro22
12Austria Austria21
13Croatia Croatia20
14Denmark Denmark19
Russian Federation Russian Federation19
Italy Italy19
Rumanía Romania19
15Costa Rica Costa Rica18
16Wales Wales17
17Netherlands Netherlands14
Ireland Ireland14
Bosnia Bosnia and Herzegovina14
Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia14
18Estonia Estonia13
19Slovenia Slovenia12
Finland Finland12
20Poland Poland11
Luxembourg Luxembourg11
Czech Republic Czech Republic11
Hungary Hungary11
21Belgium Belgium10
Norway Norway10
Jamaica Jamaica10
Irlanda N. Northern Ireland10
Scotland Scotland10
22Lithuania Lithuania9
Georgia Georgia9
23Greece Greece8
Kazakhstan Kazakhstan8
Moldova (Republic of) Moldova (Republic of)8
24Azerbaijan Azerbaijan7
C. Marfil Côte d'Ivoire7
Korea (Republic of) Korea (Republic of)7
25Andorra Andorra6
Gibraltar Gibraltar6
Israel Israel6
Ecuador Ecuador6
Uganda Uganda6
26Armenia Armenia5
Kuwait Kuwait5
Bulgaria Bulgaria5
27Cyprus Cyprus4
Malta Malta4
Cameroon Cameroon4
Ghana Ghana4
Bahréin Bahrain4
Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic4
North macedonia Macedonia (the former Yugoslav Republic of)4
28Algeria Algeria3
Honduras Honduras3
Iceland Iceland3
Slovakia Slovakia3
Chile Chile3
Guinea Guinea3
29San Marino San Marino2
Albania Albania2
Faroe Islands Faroe Islands2
Iran (Islamic Republic of) Iran (Islamic Republic of)2
Liechtenstein Liechtenstein2
Guatemala Guatemala2
Sudáfrica South Africa2
Serbia Serbia2