Teams Total number of red straight cards
1Cyprus Cyprus1 Total number of red straight cards
Wales Wales1
Kazakhstan Kazakhstan1
Luxembourg Luxembourg1
Nicaragua Nicaragua1
Panama Panama1
Belarus Belarus1
Rumanía Romania1
2Greece Greece0
San Marino San Marino0
Albania Albania0
Denmark Denmark0
Armenia Armenia0
Andorra Andorra0
Netherlands Netherlands0
England England0
Slovenia Slovenia0
Austria Austria0
Croatia Croatia0
Faroe Islands Faroe Islands0
Portugal Portugal0
Estonia Estonia0
Turkey Turkey0
Belgium Belgium0
Moldova (Republic of) Moldova (Republic of)0
Germany Germany0
Gibraltar Gibraltar0
Latvia Latvia0
Lithuania Lithuania0
Malta Malta0
Poland Poland0
Spain Spain0
Mexico Mexico0
Liechtenstein Liechtenstein0
Russian Federation Russian Federation0
Switzerland Switzerland0
Montenegro Montenegro0
Sweden Sweden0
Czech Republic Czech Republic0
Italy Italy0
Finland Finland0
Cabo Verde Cabo Verde0
Azerbaijan Azerbaijan0
Algeria Algeria0
C. Marfil Côte d'Ivoire0
Morocco Morocco0
RD Congo Congo (Democratic Republic of the)0
France France0
Mauritania Mauritania0
Cameroon Cameroon0
Ghana Ghana0
Nigeria Nigeria0
Tunisia Tunisia0
Senegal Senegal0
Tajikistan Tajikistan0
Ukraine Ukraine0
Honduras Honduras0
Japan Japan0
Malí Mali0
Qatar Qatar0
Zambia Zambia0
Tanzania, United Republic of Tanzania, United Republic of0
Sudáfrica South Africa0
Sudan Sudan0
USA United States of America0
Bulgaria Bulgaria0
Norway Norway0
Israel Israel0
Ireland Ireland0
Bosnia Bosnia and Herzegovina0
Iceland Iceland0
Serbia Serbia0
Irlanda N. Northern Ireland0
Georgia Georgia0
Bahréin Bahrain0
Slovakia Slovakia0
Hungary Hungary0
Indonesia Indonesia0
North macedonia Macedonia (the former Yugoslav Republic of)0
Scotland Scotland0
Oman Oman0
Burkina Faso Burkina Faso0
Guinea Guinea0
Thailand Thailand0
Benin Benin0
Uganda Uganda0
Malawi Malawi0
Liberia Liberia0