Teams Foul whilst in the process of trying to tackle the opposing player
1Uzbekistan Uzbekistan78 Foul whilst in the process of trying to tackle the opposing player
2Colombia Colombia75
3Chile Chile68
4Japan Japan66
5Ecuador Ecuador61
6Uruguay Uruguay59
7Peru Peru58
8Argentina Argentina53
9Bolivia (Plurinational State of) Bolivia (Plurinational State of)52
10Mexico Mexico51
11Korea (Republic of) Korea (Republic of)48
12Germany Germany45
13Brazil Brazil44
14Paraguay Paraguay42
15New Zealand New Zealand35
16Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia34
17Thailand Thailand32
18Australia Australia31
China China31
19Oman Oman30
Russian Federation Russian Federation30
20Finland Finland29
21Sweden Sweden28
USA United States of America28
22Iraq Iraq25
23Canada Canada24
Morocco Morocco24
24Panama Panama23
Qatar Qatar23
Senegal Senegal23
El Salvador El Salvador23
25Iran (Islamic Republic of) Iran (Islamic Republic of)22
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)22
26Iceland Iceland20
27Cameroon Cameroon19
28Jamaica Jamaica18
China Taipei Taiwan18
Kirguistán Kyrgyzstan18
29Czech Republic Czech Republic17
30Hungary Hungary16
Tajikistan Tajikistan16
31Costa Rica Costa Rica15
Myanmar Myanmar15
32Estonia Estonia14
33Ireland Ireland13
Nicaragua Nicaragua13
EAU United Arab Emirates13
34Moldova (Republic of) Moldova (Republic of)12
Guinea Guinea12
Cuba Cuba12
35Albania Albania11
Ghana Ghana11
Italy Italy11
Serbia Serbia11
36Poland Poland10
37Belgium Belgium9
Palestine, State of Palestine, State of9
Hong Kong Hong Kong9
38Guatemala Guatemala8
Norway Norway8
39Greece Greece7
Malta Malta7
Dominican Republic Dominican Republic7
40Honduras Honduras6
Indonesia Indonesia6
Kazakhstan Kazakhstan6
41Slovakia Slovakia5
Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad and Tobago5
Montenegro Montenegro5
Curaçao Costa Rica5
Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic5
42Algeria Algeria4
Switzerland Switzerland4
Latvia Latvia4
43Spain Spain3
Croatia Croatia3
Jordan Jordan3
Tunisia Tunisia3
44North macedonia Macedonia (the former Yugoslav Republic of)2
45Egypt Egypt1
46Luxembourg Luxembourg0
Zambia Zambia0
Kenya Kenya0
Cabo Verde Cabo Verde0
Mauritius Mauritius0
Pakistan Pakistan0
South Sudan South Sudan0
Kuwait Kuwait0
Updated at