92' Francisco Calvo puts in a cross. in an individual move.
92' Foul Foul by David Myrie. Trips .
91' Elias Aguilar puts in a cross. takes a corner. The ball is cleared.
90' Elias Aguilar takes a corner. The ball is cleared.
90' Elias Aguilar puts in a cross. in an individual move. The ball is cleared.
89' Johan Venegas was offside when he got the ball.
87' Goal chance for Elias Aguilar. with left foot. The pass was from Campbell. Out of play.
86' Foul It's a foul by James. Trips .
86' Foul Foul by David Guzman. Trips James.
86' Francisco Calvo in an individual move. The ball is cleared.
85' Alexander Mejia shoots. with left foot. After an individual move. The ball is out of play.
85' Substitution David Myrie comes on for Cristian Gamboa.
84' Deyver Vega shoots. with right foot. He got the ball from Campbell. Out of play.
83' Foul Foul by Alexander Mejia. Trips David Guzman.
82' Foul Foul by Teófilo Gutiérrez. Trips Johan Venegas.
81' Elias Aguilar shoots. with left foot. Has taken a direct free kick David Ospina takes the ball.
81' Foul It's a foul by Carlos Sánchez. Trips Deyver Vega.
80' Foul It's a foul by Pedro Franco. Trips Johan Venegas.
79' Goal chance for Elias Aguilar. with left foot. He got the ball from David Guzman. Out of play.
79' James puts in a cross. makes an individual move. The ball is cleared.
78' Foul It's a foul by Edwin Cardona. Trips Johan Venegas.
77' Substitution Francisco Calvo comes on for Junior Díaz.
76' Chance for Cristian Zapata. with left foot. After a free kick by Bacca. The ball is cleared.
76' Darwin Andrade in an individual move. The ball is cleared.
76' Substitution Edwin Cardona comes on for Cuadrado.
75' Foul It's a foul by Deyver Vega. Trips Darwin Andrade.
75' Foul It's a foul by David Guzman. Trips Carlos Sánchez.
74' Goal chance for Johan Venegas. with right foot. After an individual move. The ball is out of play.
73' Foul It's a foul by Bacca.
71' David Guzman taking a free kick. The ball is cleared.
71' Foul Foul by Pedro Franco. Trips Johan Venegas.
70' Teófilo Gutiérrez was offside when he got the ball.
70' Elias Aguilar takes a free kick.
69' Foul It's a foul by Alexander Mejia. Trips Deyver Vega.
67' Cuadrado shoots. with right foot.The ball is out of play.
67' Chance for Bacca. with right foot. The pass was from James. The ball is cleared.
67' Substitution Off goes Jonathan Moya and on comes Elias Aguilar.
66' Substitution Campbell comes on for Jonathan McDonald.
65' Chance for Deyver Vega. with left foot. After a free kick by David Guzman. David Ospina saves.
65' Deyver Vega in an individual move.
65' David Guzman taking a free kick. The ball is cleared.
65' Foul Foul by Cristian Zapata. Trips Jonathan McDonald.
64' Chance for Bacca. with right foot. He got the ball from Cuadrado. Esteban takes the ball.
63' Chance for James. with right foot. The pass was from Cuadrado. It hit the crossbar!.
63' Cuadrado in an individual move. Shot to goal, easy save for the goalkeeper.
62' Substitution David Guzman comes on for Celso Borges.
62' Substitution Bacca comes on for Jackson Martínez.
61' Substitution Off goes Falcao and on comes Teófilo Gutiérrez.
61' Chance for Deyver Vega. with left foot. After a pass from Cubero. The ball is out of play.
58' Foul Foul by Pedro Franco. Trips Jonathan Moya.
58' James shoots. with left foot. After a pass from Cuadrado. Esteban saves.
58' Foul It's a foul by Jonathan Moya.
57' Substitution Bryan Ruiz replaced by Johan Venegas.
57' Carlos Sánchez shoots. with left foot. He got the ball from Cuadrado. Out of play.
56' Cuadrado puts in a cross. takes a corner-kick. The ball is cleared.
55' Goal chance for Jackson Martínez. with right foot. The pass was from Cuadrado. The ball is cleared.
55' Chance for Falcao. Header After a pass from James. The ball is out of play.
55' James makes an individual move. Shot to goal, easy save for the goalkeeper.
55' Cuadrado puts in a cross. in an individual move.
55' Foul Foul by Jonathan Moya. Trips Alexander Mejia.
53' Cristian Gamboa puts in a cross. in an individual move. The ball is cleared.
53' Cristian Gamboa in an individual move.
51' Foul It's a foul by Umaña. Trips Cuadrado.
49' Cristian Gamboa makes an individual move. Chance missed, the ball is out of play.
48' Foul Foul by Falcao. Trips Cristian Gamboa.
48' Foul It's a foul by Carlos Sánchez. Trips Bryan Ruiz.
Goal by Falcao (1-0) Goal by Falcao (1-0) with left foot. The pass was from Cuadrado. Colombia 1 Costa Rica 0
Cuadrado in an individual move. And that's a goal!.
Darwin Andrade puts in a cross. in an individual move.
Substitution Pedro Franco comes on for Murillo.
Substitution Carlos Valdés comes on for Zúñiga.
Substitution Alexander Mejia comes on for Edwin Valencia.
46' Foul It's a foul by Jonathan Moya. Trips Carlos Sánchez.
45' Foul It's a foul by Junior Díaz. Trips Edwin Valencia.
43' Foul Foul by Falcao. Trips Cubero.
41' Jackson Martínez makes an individual move.
40' Cristian Zapata puts in a cross. makes an individual move. The ball goes out of play.
40' Cuadrado puts in a cross. takes a free kick.
39' Foul Foul by Cubero.
39' Zúñiga in an individual move.
38' Chance for James. with left foot. Has taken a direct free kick The ball is out of play.
37' Yellow card Yellow card to Umaña.
37' Foul It's a foul by Umaña. Trips James.
34' Foul It's a foul by Celso Borges. Trips Jackson Martínez.
33' James shoots. with left foot. He got the ball from Cuadrado. The ball is out of play.
33' Bryan Ruiz shoots. Header After a corner kick taken by Celso Borges. The ball is out of play.
33' Celso Borges puts in a cross. takes a corner. Shot to goal, easy save for the goalkeeper.
32' Chance for Deyver Vega. with left foot.The ball is cleared.
32' Jonathan Moya shoots. with left foot. After a pass from Deyver Vega. The danger ends when the ball is finally cleared.
30' Falcao shoots. with right foot. He got the ball from Cuadrado. Out of play.
29' Yellow card Yellow card to Carlos Sánchez.
29' Foul Foul by Falcao. Trips Cubero.
28' Foul Foul by Junior Díaz. Touches the ball with his hand.
27' Yellow card Yellow card to Cuadrado.
26' Foul It's a foul by Cuadrado. Trips Junior Díaz.
26' Foul It's a foul by Carlos Sánchez. Trips Bryan Ruiz.
25' Jonathan Moya shoots. with right foot. The pass was from Jonathan McDonald. Out of play.
25' Jonathan McDonald puts in a cross. in an individual move. Shot to goal, easy save for the goalkeeper.
22' Cuadrado makes an individual move. The ball goes out of play.
22' Cuadrado puts in a cross. makes an individual move. The ball is cleared.
21' Falcao was offside when he got the ball.
20' Falcao was offside when he got the ball.
20' Jonathan McDonald makes an individual move. The ball is cleared.
19' Zúñiga puts in a cross. in an individual move. The ball is cleared.
16' Goal chance for Carlos Sánchez. with left foot.Esteban saves.
16' James puts in a cross. takes a corner. The ball is cleared.
15' James puts in a cross. in an individual move. The ball is cleared.
13' Foul Foul by Jackson Martínez.
13' Jonathan Moya was offside.
11' Foul Foul by Jonathan Moya. Trips Zúñiga.
9' Foul Foul by Edwin Valencia. Trips Deyver Vega.
9' Zúñiga in an individual move. The ball is cleared.
9' Foul It's a foul by Deyver Vega.
8' Darwin Andrade puts in a cross. in an individual move. Esteban clears the ball.
8' Cuadrado puts in a cross. taking a free kick. The ball is cleared.
8' Foul It's a foul by Junior Díaz. Trips Cuadrado.
6' Cristian Gamboa makes an individual move. The ball goes out of play.
5' Foul Foul by Carlos Sánchez.
4' Foul Foul by . Trips Falcao.
1' Cristian Gamboa puts in a cross. in an individual move.
1' Foul Foul by Carlos Sánchez. Trips Deyver Vega.
Foul Foul by Edwin Valencia. Pushes Celso Borges.