Francia vs España live - Amistosos de Selecciones

See the full match Updating: Thursday, 13/06/2024 11:52h CEST
94' Lemar in an individual move. The ball is cleared.
94' Kante in an individual move. The ball is cleared.
93' Foul It's a foul by Giroud.
93' Foul Foul by Deulofeu.
92' Foul Foul by Ander Herrera.
91' Griezmann was offside when he got the ball.
91' Ousmane Dembélé puts in a cross. makes an individual move.
90' Layvin Kurzawa was offside when he got the ball.
88' Aspas was offside when he got the ball.
87' Goal chance for Griezmann. Header The pass was from Ousmane Dembélé. The ball is out of play.
87' Ousmane Dembélé in an individual move. Shot to goal, easy save for the goalkeeper.
85' Substitution Nacho comes on for Alba.
84' Foul Foul by Layvin Kurzawa.
84' Jallet in an individual move.
83' Substitution Off goes Morata and on comes Aspas.
82' Goal chance for Ousmane Dembélé. with left foot. He got the ball from Jallet. The ball is out of play.
82' Lemar in an individual move. The ball is cleared.
81' Foul Foul by Thiago. Trips Griezmann.
79' David Silva was offside when he got the ball.
79' Griezmann taking a free kick.
79' Substitution Lemar comes on for Tolisso.
79' Substitution Gameiro replaced by Ousmane Dembélé.
78' Foul Foul by Sergio Ramos. Trips Bakayoko.
76' Goal by Deulofeu (0-2) Goal by Deulofeu (0-2)The pass was from Alba. Francia 0 España 2
73' Substitution Ander Herrera comes on for Koke.
73' Match temporarily paused.
72' Goal chance for Bakayoko. Header After a corner taken by Griezmann. The ball is out of play.
72' Griezmann puts in a cross. takes a corner-kick. Shot to goal, easy save for the goalkeeper.
71' Goal chance for Gameiro. with right foot.The ball is cleared.
71' Griezmann takes a corner. The ball is cleared.
71' Goal chance for Umtiti. with left foot.The danger ends when the ball is finally cleared.
70' Foul It's a foul by Piqué.
70' Griezmann puts in a cross. takes a corner. The ball is cleared.
69' Gameiro in an individual move. The ball is cleared.
69' Layvin Kurzawa puts in a cross. makes an individual move. The ball is cleared.
68' Foul Foul by Busquets. Touches the ball with his hand.
67' Goal by David Silva (0-1) Goal by David Silva (0-1) with left foot. He scores the penalty. Francia 0 España 1
67' Penalty Penalty awarded against Koscielny. for a foul on Deulofeu.
66' Substitution Deulofeu comes on for Pedro.
65' Foul Foul by Pedro. Trips Layvin Kurzawa.
65' Pedro shoots. with left foot. The pass was from Koke. The ball is cleared.
64' Substitution Off goes Kylian Mbappe and on comes Giroud.
64' Kylian Mbappe was offside.
63' Layvin Kurzawa in an individual move. The ball is cleared.
58' Chance for Morata. with right foot. The pass was from Pedro. The ball is out of play.
57' Foul Foul by Pedro.
56' Koke puts in a cross. takes a corner.
56' Pedro makes an individual move. The ball is cleared.
54' Yellow card Yellow card to Jallet.
54' Foul It's a foul by Jallet. Trips David Silva.
52' Foul It's a foul by Morata.
52' Kylian Mbappe in an individual move.
52' Substitution Off goes Isco and on comes David Silva.
52' Substitution Iniesta replaced by Thiago.
51' Foul It's a foul by Jallet. Trips Isco.
50' Foul It's a foul by Bakayoko. Touches the ball with his hand.
49' Foul Foul by Griezmann. Trips Busquets.
47' Layvin Kurzawa was offside.
Foul It's a foul by Kante. Trips Morata.
Substitution Off goes Rabiot and on comes Bakayoko.
44' Goal chance for Isco. with right foot. After a pass from Koke. Lloris takes the ball.
43' Jallet makes an individual move. The ball is cleared.
43' Tolisso puts in a cross. makes an individual move. The ball is cleared.
42' Gameiro puts in a cross. in an individual move. The ball is cleared.
39' Chance for Sergio Ramos. Header After a free kick by Koke. The ball is out of play.
39' Koke taking a free kick. Shot to goal, easy save for the goalkeeper.
38' Foul It's a foul by Koscielny. Pushes Morata.
38' Foul Foul by Tolisso. Trips Iniesta.
37' Foul It's a foul by Carvajal. Touches the ball with his hand.
33' Koke taking a free kick. Lloris clears the ball.
32' Foul It's a foul by Kante. Trips Isco.
32' Foul It's a foul by Tolisso. Trips Isco.
30' Layvin Kurzawa in an individual move. The ball is cleared.
30' Griezmann puts in a cross. takes a corner.
29' Kylian Mbappe makes an individual move. The ball is cleared.
28' Pedro was offside.
27' Chance for Iniesta. with right foot. After a pass from Pedro. Lloris takes the ball.
26' Isco puts in a cross. takes a corner. The ball is cleared.
26' Isco makes an individual move. The ball is cleared.
24' Pedro in an individual move.
22' Foul Foul by Piqué. Pushes Lloris.
22' Isco takes a corner-kick.
21' Pedro in an individual move.
18' Yellow card Yellow card to Rabiot.
18' Foul It's a foul by Rabiot. Trips Carvajal.
18' Morata was offside when he got the ball.
17' Foul Foul by Jallet. Trips Morata.
16' Pedro puts in a cross. makes an individual move. The ball is cleared.
14' Foul It's a foul by Koscielny. Trips Morata.
14' Foul Foul by Kylian Mbappe. Pushes Sergio Ramos.
13' Iniesta shoots. with right foot. After a pass from Alba. Out of play.
13' Koke puts in a cross. in an individual move. The ball is cleared.
10' Layvin Kurzawa shoots. with left foot.The danger ends when the ball is finally cleared.
10' Chance for Koscielny. Header He finishes off a free kick taken by Griezmann. Piqué clears off the goal line.
10' Griezmann puts in a cross. takes a free kick. Shot to goal, easy save for the goalkeeper.
9' Foul Foul by Koke. Trips Kylian Mbappe.
9' Foul It's a foul by Iniesta. Trips Tolisso.
7' Carvajal puts in a cross. makes an individual move. Lloris clears the ball.
5' Carvajal makes an individual move.
4' Foul Foul by Griezmann. Trips Busquets.
4' Kylian Mbappe shoots. with right foot. The pass was from Layvin Kurzawa. De Gea saves.
4' Layvin Kurzawa puts in a cross. makes an individual move. Shot to goal, easy save for the goalkeeper.
2' Foul It's a foul by Sergio Ramos. Trips Gameiro.
1' Koke puts in a cross. takes a corner-kick. The ball is cleared.
1' Carvajal puts in a cross. in an individual move. The ball is cleared.
1' Carvajal makes an individual move. The ball is cleared.
France vs Spain