Recreativo vs Barcelona live - Amistosos de Clubes

See the full match Updating: Thursday, 28/11/2024 19:44h CET
90' Foul It's a foul by . Trips .
89' Chance for . with right foot. The pass was from . It hit the post!.
88' Chance for . with right foot. Finishing off an individual move. The ball is cleared.
86' puts in a cross. in an individual move. Chance missed, the ball is out of play.
85' puts in a cross. takes a corner-kick. The ball is cleared.
84' puts in a cross. in an individual move. The ball is cleared.
83' Foul It's a foul by .
82' in an individual move. Chance missed, the ball is out of play.
81' Chance for . with right foot. After a pass from . The ball is out of play.
78' Foul It's a foul by .
78' makes an individual move.
77' puts in a cross. in an individual move. The ball is cleared.
76' Foul Foul by . Trips .
73' takes a corner. Chance missed, the ball is out of play.
72' puts in a cross. makes an individual move.
71' puts in a cross. taking a free kick. The ball is cleared.
70' Foul Foul by . Trips .
70' Substitution replaced by .
69' in an individual move. The ball goes out of play.
68' Foul It's a foul by .
67' Foul It's a foul by . Touches the ball with his hand.
66' Goal (0-1) Goal by (0-1)rebound Recreativo 0 Barcelona 1
65' Chance for . with right foot. The pass was from . takes the ball.
64' shoots. with right foot. He got the ball from . The ball is out of play.
61' Goal chance for . with right foot. Has taken a direct free kick Out of play.
60' Yellow card Yellow card to .
60' Foul It's a foul by . Trips .
59' puts in a cross. takes a free kick. The ball is cleared.
58' Foul It's a foul by .
55' Foul Foul by . Trips .
55' puts in a cross. takes a corner. The ball is cleared.
55' makes an individual move. The ball is cleared.
52' Foul It's a foul by . Trips .
50' shoots. with left foot. He got the ball from . takes the ball.
49' Foul Foul by . Trips .
47' puts in a cross. takes a corner.
46' Goal chance for . with right foot. He got the ball from . The danger ends when the ball is finally cleared.
Substitution Off goes and on comes .
Substitution replaced by .
Substitution replaced by .
Substitution Off goes and on comes .
Substitution replaced by .
Substitution comes on for .
Substitution comes on for .
Substitution Off goes and on comes .
Substitution Off goes and on comes .
Substitution replaced by .
Substitution Off goes and on comes .
Substitution Off goes and on comes .
Substitution Off goes and on comes .
Substitution comes on for .
Substitution comes on for .
Substitution replaced by .
Substitution replaced by .
Substitution comes on for .
Substitution comes on for .
Substitution Off goes and on comes .
Substitution comes on for .
44' Foul Foul by . Trips .
42' puts in a cross. takes a corner. The ball goes out of play.
42' Goal chance for . with right foot. After a corner kick taken by . The ball is cleared.
42' takes a corner. Shot to goal, easy save for the goalkeeper.
38' Foul It's a foul by . Trips .
37' shoots. with left foot.The ball is out of play.
37' puts in a cross. makes an individual move. The ball is cleared.
36' puts in a cross. takes a corner-kick. The ball is cleared.
36' puts in a cross. in an individual move.
34' in an individual move. Chance missed, the ball is out of play.
34' Chance for . with left foot. After a pass from . The ball is cleared.
32' Goal chance for . with right foot. He got the ball from . The ball is out of play.
31' shoots. with left foot. After a corner taken by . saves.
31' takes a corner-kick. Shot to goal, easy save for the goalkeeper.
30' Foul Foul by .
28' Chance for . with left foot. After a pass from . The ball is out of play.
26' Foul Foul by . Trips .
25' Foul It's a foul by . Trips .
25' takes a corner. Chance missed, the ball is out of play.
24' in an individual move. The ball is cleared.
24' makes an individual move. The ball is cleared.
22' Foul It's a foul by . Trips .
21' was offside.
19' Foul Foul by .
19' makes an individual move.
17' Goal chance for . with left foot. Has taken a direct free kick The ball is out of play.
16' Foul It's a foul by . Trips .
14' puts in a cross. taking a free kick. The ball is cleared.
13' Foul Foul by . Trips .
11' Foul It's a foul by . Trips .
11' Foul Foul by . Trips .
9' Foul It's a foul by . Trips .
7' Foul Foul by . Trips .
6' Goal chance for . Header After a corner kick taken by . saves.
6' puts in a cross. takes a corner. Shot to goal, easy save for the goalkeeper.
3' Foul Foul by . Trips .
Goal chance for . with left foot. The pass was from . Out of play.