Bayern vs Real Madrid live - Amistosos de Clubes

See the full match Updating: Saturday, 01/06/2024 15:08h CEST
89' Foul Foul by Müller. Trips Modric.
87' Goal by Lewandowski (1-0) Goal by Lewandowski (1-0)After a free kick by Hojbjerg. Bayern 1 Real Madrid 0
87' Hojbjerg puts in a cross. taking a free kick. And that's a goal!.
86' Foul It's a foul by Arbeloa. Trips Douglas Costa.
85' Goal chance for Douglas Costa. with left foot. The pass was from Rode. The ball is out of play.
83' Foul Foul by Arbeloa. Trips Douglas Costa.
83' Foul It's a foul by Lewandowski. Trips Sergio Ramos.
82' Douglas Costa makes an individual move. Keylor Navas catches the ball.
81' Alaba puts in a cross. makes an individual move.
80' Foul Foul by Illarramendi. Trips Rode.
79' Substitution Benko comes on for Rafinha.
79' Benatia was offside when he got the ball.
79' Alaba shoots. with left foot. Has taken a direct free kick Save by Keylor Navas.
78' Foul It's a foul by Mayoral. Trips Rode.
77' Rode in an individual move. The ball is cleared.
77' Chance for Hojbjerg. with right foot. He got the ball from Douglas Costa. Keylor Navas saves.
76' Douglas Costa puts in a cross. takes a corner. The ball is cleared.
76' Douglas Costa makes an individual move.
75' Goal chance for Rode. with left foot. After a pass from Hojbjerg. Out of play.
74' Douglas Costa puts in a cross. in an individual move. The ball is cleared.
74' Chance for Douglas Costa. with left foot. The pass was from Lewandowski. The danger ends when the ball is finally cleared.
73' Chance for Danilo. with left foot. After a pass from Arbeloa. The ball is out of play.
73' Arbeloa puts in a cross. makes an individual move. Shot to goal, easy save for the goalkeeper.
72' Foul Foul by Rode. Trips Illarramendi.
71' Substitution Danilo comes on for Kroos.
71' Substitution Mayoral comes on for Lucas Vázquez.
70' Yellow card Yellow card to Sergio Ramos.
70' Foul Foul by Sergio Ramos. Trips Rode.
69' Foul Foul by Lewandowski. Pushes Carvajal.
67' Illarramendi shoots. with left foot.Neuer saves.
67' Foul Foul by Lewandowski. Trips Sergio Ramos.
66' Foul Foul by Rode. Trips Kroos.
66' Lucas Vázquez in an individual move. Neuer clears the ball.
64' Substitution Off goes Xabi Alonso and on comes Hojbjerg.
63' Kroos shoots. with right foot. He got the ball from Arbeloa. Neuer takes the ball.
61' Müller shoots. Header After a corner taken by Benatia. Keylor Navas saves.
61' Douglas Costa puts in a cross. takes a corner.
61' Douglas Costa makes an individual move. The ball is cleared.
60' Goal chance for Lewandowski. with right foot. The pass was from Douglas Costa. Out of play.
59' Foul Foul by Kroos. Trips Rafinha.
59' Substitution Off goes Vidal and on comes Bernat.
56' Substitution James comes on for Jesé.
56' Substitution Off goes Marcelo and on comes Arbeloa.
56' Substitution Modric comes on for Isco.
54' Goal chance for Benatia. Header After a corner kick taken by Xabi Alonso. Out of play.
54' Xabi Alonso takes a corner. Shot to goal, easy save for the goalkeeper.
53' Foul It's a foul by Illarramendi. Trips Xabi Alonso.
51' Foul It's a foul by Carvajal. Is booked for a foul for dangerous play on Vidal.
50' Kroos puts in a cross. takes a corner-kick. The ball is cleared.
50' Kroos shoots. with right foot. Direct free kick Neuer takes the ball.
49' Yellow card Yellow card to Benatia.
49' Foul Foul by Benatia.
49' Foul Foul by Vidal. Blocks Marco Asensio.
47' Foul Foul by Lewandowski.
Substitution Off goes Cheryshev and on comes Marco Asensio.
Substitution Lahm replaced by Rode.
Substitution Casemiro replaced by Illarramendi.
Substitution Off goes Götze and on comes Lewandowski.
45' Isco takes a corner. The ball is cleared.
45' Isco puts in a cross. takes a corner-kick. The ball is cleared.
45' Carvajal makes an individual move. The ball is cleared.
45' Isco puts in a cross. takes a corner. The ball is cleared.
43' Goal chance for Douglas Costa. with left foot. After a corner kick taken by Götze. The ball is out of play.
42' Goal chance for Götze. with left foot. After a pass from Douglas Costa. Keylor Navas takes the ball.
41' Kroos takes a free kick. The ball is cleared.
41' Foul Foul by Douglas Costa. Trips Jesé.
40' Marcelo in an individual move. The ball is cleared.
40' Foul It's a foul by Xabi Alonso. Trips Jesé.
38' Foul Foul by Vidal. Trips Casemiro.
37' Chance for Müller. with right foot. After a pass from Vidal. It hit the post!.
36' Foul It's a foul by Sergio Ramos. Pushes Benatia.
36' Kroos puts in a cross. taking a free kick.
35' Yellow card Card to Xabi Alonso.
35' Foul Foul by Xabi Alonso. Trips Carvajal.
34' Goal chance for Sergio Ramos. with right foot. Has taken a direct free kick The ball is out of play.
34' Foul Foul by Benatia. Trips Cheryshev.
33' Müller was offside when he got the ball.
33' Goal chance for Xabi Alonso. with left foot.The ball is out of play.
33' Alaba shoots. with left foot. Direct free kick The ball is cleared.
32' Yellow card Yellow card to Marcelo.
32' Foul Foul by Marcelo. Trips Lahm.
31' Chance for Müller. with right foot. The pass was from Lahm. Out of play.
27' Rafinha puts in a cross. makes an individual move. Chance missed, the ball is out of play.
26' Douglas Costa shoots. with left foot. The pass was from Vidal. The danger ends when the ball is finally cleared.
26' Foul Foul by Lucas Vázquez.
25' Foul It's a foul by Casemiro. Trips Xabi Alonso.
22' Xabi Alonso takes a corner. The ball is cleared.
21' Douglas Costa makes an individual move. The ball is cleared.
20' Foul It's a foul by Cheryshev. Trips Rafinha.
18' Foul Foul by Vidal.
16' Foul It's a foul by Douglas Costa.
15' Substitution Off goes Pepe and on comes Nacho.
14' Match temporarily paused.
13' Rafinha in an individual move. The ball is cleared.
13' Sergio Ramos shoots. with right foot.Neuer saves.
12' Foul It's a foul by Benatia.
11' Lahm shoots. HeaderOut of play.
11' Goal chance for Alaba. with left foot. After a pass from Rafinha. Save by Keylor Navas.
10' Cheryshev shoots. with left foot. After a corner kick taken by Isco. The ball is out of play.
10' Isco puts in a cross. takes a corner-kick. Shot to goal, easy save for the goalkeeper.
7' Goal chance for Kroos. with right foot. After a pass from Casemiro. The ball is out of play.
7' Goal chance for Isco. with right foot. The pass was from Carvajal. The danger ends when the ball is finally cleared.
7' Foul Foul by Xabi Alonso.
4' Lahm puts in a cross. makes an individual move. The ball is cleared.
2' Chance for Müller. with right foot. After an individual move. The ball is out of play.