
Al-Ittihad vs Atlético live - Amistosos de Clubes

See the full match Updating: Sunday, 16/06/2024 00:18h CEST
92' Goal chance for Al Samiri. with right foot. After a pass from Alawafi. The ball is out of play.
90' Yellow card Yellow card to Giménez.
90' Foul It's a foul by Giménez. Trips .
90' Foul It's a foul by Fernando Torres.
89' Foul It's a foul by Tombakti. Trips Thomas.
89' Alawafi puts in a cross. takes a corner. The ball is cleared.
89' Mandash puts in a cross. takes a corner.
88' Tombakti takes a corner-kick. The ball is cleared.
87' Al-Gamdi shoots. with left foot. The pass was from Tombakti. The danger ends when the ball is finally cleared.
86' Gaitán puts in a cross. takes a corner. Al-Garni catches the ball.
84' Foul It's a foul by Al Samiri. Trips Filipe Luis.
84' Substitution Majed Al-Khaibari replaced by Mohammed Al-Nakhli.
83' Foul Foul by Al Samiri. Trips Thomas.
83' Substitution Kahraba replaced by Alawafi.
83' Substitution Mandash comes on for Villanueva.
82' Fernando Torres puts in a cross. makes an individual move. Al-Garni catches the ball.
82' Gaitán takes a corner. Al-Garni catches the ball.
79' Substitution Akaichi replaced by Al-Gamdi.
78' Foul It's a foul by Fernando Torres. Trips Al Dohim.
77' Al Samiri puts in a cross. in an individual move. The ball is cleared.
76' Substitution Al Ansari replaced by Al-Khudair.
74' Foul Foul by Fhad Al-Muwallad.
73' Foul It's a foul by Al Ansari.
72' Yellow card Yellow card to Vrsaljko.
72' Foul Foul by Vrsaljko. Trips Kahraba.
71' Substitution Khrees replaced by Al Samiri.
70' Goal by Giménez (2-3) Goal by Giménez (2-3) Header After a free kick by Correa. Al-Ittihad 2 Atlético 3
70' Correa puts in a cross. taking a free kick. And that's a goal!.
70' Foul It's a foul by Al Ansari. Trips .
70' Substitution Hamza comes on for Assiri.
68' Substitution Bader Al-Nakhli replaced by Al Dohim.
68' Substitution Fallatah replaced by Majed Al-Khaibari.
68' Goal chance for Carrasco. with right foot. Has taken a direct free kick Out of play.
67' Foul It's a foul by Tombakti. Trips Correa.
66' Substitution Off goes Ba Jandooh and on comes Tombakti.
65' Chance for Savic. Header After a free kick by Gaitán. Out of play.
65' Gaitán taking a free kick. Shot to goal, easy save for the goalkeeper.
65' Foul Foul by Al Ansari. Trips Gaitán.
63' Goal chance for Fernando Torres. with right foot. After a corner kick taken by Carrasco. The ball is out of play.
63' Gaitán puts in a cross. takes a corner. Al-Garni catches the ball.
63' Chance for Fernando Torres. with right foot. After a pass from Carrasco. Al-Garni takes the ball.
62' Goal by Fernando Torres (2-2) Goal by Fernando Torres (2-2)He scores the penalty. Al-Ittihad 2 Atlético 2
60' Penalty Penalty awarded against Assiri. for touching the ball with his hands.
59' Fernando Torres was offside when he got the ball.
58' Chance for Kahraba. with right foot. The pass was from Akaichi. The ball is out of play.
57' Gaitán puts in a cross. makes an individual move.
57' Fhad Al-Muwallad takes a corner. Moyá clears the ball.
56' Fhad Al-Muwallad puts in a cross. makes an individual move.
56' Gaitán takes a corner. Chance missed, the ball is out of play.
55' Goal chance for Kahraba. with right foot. After a corner kick taken by Al Ansari. Moyá takes the ball.
55' Fhad Al-Muwallad takes a corner. The ball is cleared.
54' Fhad Al-Muwallad in an individual move. Moyá catches the ball.
53' Chance for Carrasco. with right foot. The pass was from Thomas. Save by Al-Garni.
52' Vrsaljko makes an individual move.
50' Vrsaljko puts in a cross. makes an individual move.
49' Goal chance for Correa. with right foot. The pass was from Fernando Torres. The ball is cleared.
48' Gaitán puts in a cross. in an individual move.
48' Foul It's a foul by Giménez. Trips Villanueva.
46' Foul It's a foul by Villanueva. Touches the ball with his hand.
Substitution Saúl replaced by Thomas.
Substitution Gabi replaced by Lucas.
Substitution Off goes Koke and on comes Gaitán.
Substitution Fernando Torres comes on for Griezmann.
Substitution Off goes Gameiro and on comes Correa.
Substitution Juanfran replaced by Carrasco.
46' Gameiro makes an individual move.
45' Goal by Akaichi (2-1) Goal by Akaichi (2-1) with left foot. After a pass from Kahraba. Al-Ittihad 2 Atlético 1
43' Goal by Kahraba (1-1) Goal by Kahraba (1-1)The pass was from Akaichi. Al-Ittihad 1 Atlético 1
43' Chance for Akaichi. with left foot. He got the ball from Al Ansari. Out of play.
42' Villanueva taking a free kick. The ball is cleared.
41' Foul It's a foul by Filipe Luis. Trips Villanueva.
41' Koke takes a corner. The ball is cleared.
39' Villanueva shoots. with left foot. The pass was from Fhad Al-Muwallad. The ball is out of play.
38' Fhad Al-Muwallad in an individual move. The ball is cleared.
37' Foul It's a foul by Koke.
37' Vrsaljko puts in a cross. makes an individual move. Al-Garni clears the ball.
36' Foul Foul by Koke.
35' Vrsaljko makes an individual move. The ball goes out of play.
32' Goal chance for Koke. with right foot. He got the ball from Griezmann. The danger ends when the ball is finally cleared.
31' Gabi was offside.
31' Gabi puts in a cross. takes a corner-kick. The ball is cleared.
30' Fallatah makes an individual move. The ball is cleared.
29' Akaichi makes an individual move. The ball is cleared.
29' Goal chance for Griezmann. with right foot. He got the ball from Vrsaljko. Al-Garni takes the ball.
28' Fallatah puts in a cross. in an individual move. The ball is cleared.
28' Fallatah in an individual move. The ball is cleared.
28' Fhad Al-Muwallad shoots. with left foot. The pass was from Assiri. The danger ends when the ball is finally cleared.
27' Khrees in an individual move. The ball is cleared.
27' Fallatah in an individual move.
26' Gameiro was offside.
25' Foul It's a foul by Ba Jandooh. Trips Koke.
24' Akaichi makes an individual move.
24' Gameiro shoots. with right foot. After a corner taken by Filipe Luis. The ball is out of play.
24' Filipe Luis in an individual move. Shot to goal, easy save for the goalkeeper.
22' Goal by Juanfran (0-1) Goal by Juanfran (0-1)After a pass from Gabi. Al-Ittihad 0 Atlético 1
21' Griezmann was offside.
21' Goal chance for Gameiro. with right foot. After a pass from Koke. The ball is cleared.
19' Chance for Griezmann. Header After a pass from Vrsaljko. Assiri clears off the goal line.
19' Vrsaljko in an individual move. Shot to goal, easy save for the goalkeeper.
17' Kahraba puts in a cross. in an individual move. The ball is cleared.
17' Koke puts in a cross. in an individual move. Al-Garni clears the ball.
16' Koke puts in a cross. takes a corner-kick. The ball is cleared.
16' Vrsaljko makes an individual move.
15' Akaichi in an individual move.
13' Griezmann puts in a cross. in an individual move. The ball is cleared.
12' Fhad Al-Muwallad shoots. with right foot. The pass was from Akaichi. The danger ends when the ball is finally cleared.
9' Chance for Koke. with right foot. After a pass from Filipe Luis. The danger ends when the ball is finally cleared.
5' Goal chance for Griezmann. with left foot. He got the ball from Vrsaljko. Al-Garni takes the ball.
4' Foul It's a foul by Filipe Luis. Trips Ba Jandooh.
3' Goal chance for Akaichi. with right foot. Finishing off an individual move. Out of play.
2' Chance for Fhad Al-Muwallad. with right foot. Direct free kick Out of play.
2' Foul Foul by Vrsaljko.