Teams Percentage of passes which are successfully collected by a team-mate
1Colo Colo Chile82.01 Percentage of passes which are successfully collected by a team-mate
2U. Católica Chile80.21
3O´Higgins Chile79.56
4U. de Chile Chile78.04
5Palestino Chile76.06
6Huachipato Chile75.74
7U. Española Chile75.25
8CD San Luis Chile74.1
Deportes Temuco Chile74.1
9D. Iquique Chile73.76
10U. de Conce Chile73.21
11Curicó Unido Chile72.61
12Everton Viña Chile72.07
13U. La Calera Chile71.28
14A. Italiano Chile70.51
15Antofagasta Chile68.43