Teams Percentage of passes that end in the player’s own half
1Colo Colo Chile46.26 Percentage of passes that end in the player’s own half
2U. de Chile Chile45.98
3U. Católica Chile45.84
4Huachipato Chile45.23
5Deportes Temuco Chile44.18
6CD San Luis Chile42.15
7U. de Conce Chile41.55
8O´Higgins Chile41.06
9Everton Viña Chile40.9
10D. Iquique Chile40.65
11U. La Calera Chile40.14
12Palestino Chile39.99
13U. Española Chile39.91
14Curicó Unido Chile38.94
15Antofagasta Chile38.92
16A. Italiano Chile37.21