Teams All direct player on player confrontations for possession of the ball
1Kazakhstan Kazakhstan1189 All direct player on player confrontations for possession of the ball
2Irlanda N. Northern Ireland1056
3Luxembourg Luxembourg1053
4Finland Finland1050
5Poland Poland1045
6Iceland Iceland1039
7Israel Israel1031
8Rumanía Romania1017
9Slovenia Slovenia1013
10San Marino San Marino1009
11Georgia Georgia1001
12Bosnia Bosnia and Herzegovina996
13Republic of Kosovo Republic of Kosovo984
14Denmark Denmark948
15Belarus Belarus940
16Moldova (Republic of) Moldova (Republic of)913
17Wales Wales912
18Greece Greece911
19Slovakia Slovakia876
20Andorra Andorra872
21Czech Republic Czech Republic862
22Montenegro Montenegro856
23Liechtenstein Liechtenstein832
Bulgaria Bulgaria832
24Portugal Portugal830
25Lithuania Lithuania829
26Austria Austria819
27Ukraine Ukraine816
28Hungary Hungary808
29Faroe Islands Faroe Islands804
30Albania Albania801
31Turkey Turkey781
32Azerbaijan Azerbaijan774
33Switzerland Switzerland770
34Serbia Serbia767
35Latvia Latvia753
36Armenia Armenia752
37Estonia Estonia735
38Croatia Croatia727
39Ireland Ireland717
40North macedonia Macedonia (the former Yugoslav Republic of)715
41Scotland Scotland703
42Netherlands Netherlands694
Norway Norway694
43Malta Malta692
44Sweden Sweden676
45France France671
46Spain Spain663
47Italy Italy655
48Gibraltar Gibraltar652
49Belgium Belgium639
50England England637
51Cyprus Cyprus631