Teams Total occasions when the player concedes a free kick or penalty by handling the ball
1Republic of Kosovo Republic of Kosovo11 Total occasions when the player concedes a free kick or penalty by handling the ball
2Iceland Iceland10
Finland Finland10
3Slovakia Slovakia9
4Denmark Denmark8
Sweden Sweden8
Slovenia Slovenia8
Wales Wales8
5Cyprus Cyprus7
Czech Republic Czech Republic7
Faroe Islands Faroe Islands7
6Ukraine Ukraine6
Gibraltar Gibraltar6
Netherlands Netherlands6
Kazakhstan Kazakhstan6
7Israel Israel5
Italy Italy5
Albania Albania5
Armenia Armenia5
Lithuania Lithuania5
Belgium Belgium5
Moldova (Republic of) Moldova (Republic of)5
Irlanda N. Northern Ireland5
Scotland Scotland5
8Belarus Belarus4
Liechtenstein Liechtenstein4
Ireland Ireland4
Bulgaria Bulgaria4
England England4
Luxembourg Luxembourg4
France France4
Norway Norway4
Poland Poland4
Portugal Portugal4
Malta Malta4
Spain Spain4
Turkey Turkey4
9Hungary Hungary3
North macedonia Macedonia (the former Yugoslav Republic of)3
Azerbaijan Azerbaijan3
Rumanía Romania3
Estonia Estonia3
Greece Greece3
San Marino San Marino3
Switzerland Switzerland3
10Austria Austria2
Bosnia Bosnia and Herzegovina2
Montenegro Montenegro2
Serbia Serbia2
Latvia Latvia2
11Andorra Andorra1
Croatia Croatia1
12Georgia Georgia0