Teams All direct player on player confrontations for possession of the ball
1Australia Australia838 All direct player on player confrontations for possession of the ball
2England England823
3Spain Spain809
4Sweden Sweden758
5Colombia Fem. Fútbol Colombia662
6Netherlands Netherlands654
7France France637
8United States of America United States of America543
9Nigeria Nigeria501
10Jamaica Jamaica477
11Marruecos Fem. Fútbol Morocco472
12Denmark Denmark459
13Sudáfrica South Africa457
14Japan Japan402
15Switzerland Switzerland399
16Argentina Argentina393
17Canada Canada385
18Panama Panama381
19New Zealand New Zealand367
Italy Italy367
20Portugal Portugal360
21Brazil Brazil349
22Haití Haiti345
23Rep. Irlanda Fem Ireland340
24China China335
25Vietnam Fem. Fútbol Viet Nam329
26Costa Rica Fem. Fútbol Costa Rica304
27Norway Norway298
28Zambia Zambia294
29Rep. Corea Korea (Republic of)285
30Filipinas Fem. Fútbol Philippines275
31Germany Germany268
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