Teams Player on player duels over possession of the ball where the ball is on the ground and possession is not won
1Argentina Sub-17 Argentina376 Player on player duels over possession of the ball where the ball is on the ground and possession is not won
2Alemania Sub-17 Germany332
3Francia Sub-17 France289
4Mali Sub-17 Mali274
5Marruecos Sub-17 Morocco241
6Uzbekistán Sub-17 Uzbekistan233
7Senegal Sub-17 Senegal179
8Brasil Sub-17 Brazil171
9España Sub-17 Spain170
10Ecuador Sub-17 Ecuador168
11Estados Unidos Sub-17 United States of America165
12México Sub-17 Mexico164
13Irán Sub-17 Iran (Islamic Republic of)156
14Venezuela Sub-17 Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)150
15Inglaterra Sub-17 England146
16Japón Sub-17 Japan144
17Corea del Sur Sub-17 Korea (Republic of)136
18Indonesia Sub-17 Indonesia133
19Nueva Zelanda Sub-17 New Zealand130
20Polonia Sub-17 Poland127
21Burkina Faso Sub-17 Burkina Faso119
22Panamá Sub-17 Panama108
23Canadá Sub-17 Canada99
24Nueva Caledonia Sub-17 New Caledonia96
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