Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Italia Italy | 102A player actively moves to intercept a pass between two opponents |
2 | Francia France | 92 |
3 | Polonia Poland | 82 |
España Spain | 82 | |
4 | Bélgica Belgium | 78 |
5 | Islandia Iceland | 76 |
6 | Bosnia Bosnia and Herzegovina | 75 |
7 | Croacia Croatia | 74 |
Suecia Sweden | 74 | |
8 | Suiza Switzerland | 73 |
9 | Alemania Germany | 72 |
10 | Portugal Portugal | 69 |
11 | Países Bajos Netherlands | 66 |
12 | Dinamarca Denmark | 62 |
13 | Inglaterra England | 49 |
14 | Ucrania Ukraine | 48 |