Total number of matches a player has started
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Aleksejs Saveljevs | 4 |
- | Kamo Hovhannisyan | 4 |
- | Gunnar Vatnhamar | 4 |
Total minutes played
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Gunnar Vatnhamar | 360 |
- | Dimitar Mitov | 360 |
- | Bárdur á Reynatrød | 360 |
Substituted off
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Isaac Price | 4 |
- | Duda | 4 |
- | Dennis Man | 4 |
Player was brought on as a substitute
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Adrian Justinussen | 4 |
- | Paul Smyth | 4 |
- | Ianis Hagi | 4 |
Total penalties saved by goalkeeper
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Moris | 1 |
- | Viktor Johansson | 1 |
2 | Georgi Harutyunyan | 0 |
Percentage of penalties saved by the goalkeeper
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Moris | 100 |
- | Viktor Johansson | 100 |
2 | Joël Mall | 0 |
Sum of all of players ball events
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Isak Hien | 404 |
2 | Skriniar | 370 |
3 | Dirk Carlson | 349 |
Goal assist
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Viktor Gyokeres | 3 |
2 | Florent Muslija | 2 |
- | Dennis Man | 2 |
Shot assist
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Dejan Kulusevski | 18 |
2 | Viktor Gyokeres | 17 |
3 | Dennis Man | 12 |
Total dribbles where a team player beats an opponent
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Dejan Kulusevski | 15 |
2 | Edon Zhegrova | 12 |
3 | Lucas Zelarrayán | 11 |
Attempted dribbles which resulted in a loss of possession
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Vlasiy Sinyavskiy | 14 |
2 | Dejan Kulusevski | 12 |
3 | Conor Bradley | 11 |
Percentage of dribbles won
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Kirill Pechenin | 300 |
- | Dirk Carlson | 300 |
- | Armandas Kucys | 300 |
Total number of games played
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Georgi Harutyunyan | 4 |
- | Vahan Bichakhchyan | 4 |
- | Aleksejs Saveljevs | 4 |
All duels for possession of the ball where possession was lost
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Conor Bradley | 33 |
2 | Gerson Rodrigues | 32 |
- | Artur Dolznikov | 32 |
All duels for possession of the ball where possession was won
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Conor Bradley | 33 |
2 | Dirk Carlson | 30 |
- | Shea Charles | 30 |
All direct player on player confrontations for possession of the ball
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Conor Bradley | 66 |
2 | Dirk Carlson | 58 |
3 | Armandas Kucys | 57 |
Percentage of duels won
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Pavel Zabelin | 289.17 |
2 | Trai Hume | 275.83 |
3 | René Joensen | 258.34 |
Unsuccessful aerial duels
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Gunnar Vatnhamar | 18 |
2 | Alex Tamm | 17 |
- | Armandas Kucys | 17 |
Successful aerial duels
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Uldrikis | 15 |
- | Isak Hien | 15 |
- | Armandas Kucys | 15 |
Total aerial duels
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Armandas Kucys | 32 |
2 | Gunnar Vatnhamar | 29 |
3 | Alex Tamm | 27 |
Percentage of aerial duels won
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Dennis Man | 250 |
2 | Uldrikis | 246.54 |
3 | Isak Hien | 245 |
Duel where possession is won and ball is on the ground
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Conor Bradley | 23 |
2 | Dirk Carlson | 20 |
3 | Kirill Pechenin | 16 |
Total duels over possession where ball is on the ground
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Conor Bradley | 46 |
2 | Leandro Barreiro Martins | 36 |
3 | Dirk Carlson | 34 |
Percentage of ground duels won
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Dmitri Antilevskiy | 600 |
2 | Solvi Vatnhamar | 300 |
- | Tihomir Kostadinov | 300 |
Fouls committed
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Suslov | 13 |
2 | Haroyan | 12 |
3 | Dirk Carlson | 10 |
Fouls received
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Grigoris Kastanos | 13 |
2 | Evgeni Shikavka | 11 |
3 | Isnik Alimi | 10 |
Goals conceded from a shot inside the box
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Grigoris Kastanos | 10 |
- | Ioannis Pittas | 10 |
- | Artymatas | 10 |
Goals conceded from a shot outside the box
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Rahil Mammadov | 2 |
- | Elvin Cafarquliyev | 2 |
- | Aleksey Isaev | 2 |
Penalty goal conceded (and scored) against the team in question
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Tural Bayramov | 2 |
- | Elvin Cafarquliyev | 2 |
- | Aleksey Isaev | 2 |
Own goal conceded
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Georgi Harutyunyan | 1 |
- | Rahil Mammadov | 1 |
- | Dimitar Mitov | 1 |
Goals scored via an attempt using the left foot
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Dávid Strelec | 2 |
- | Bojan Miovski | 2 |
- | Dennis Man | 2 |
Goals scored via an attempt using the right foot
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Razvan Marin | 4 |
- | Viktor Gyokeres | 4 |
2 | Lucas Zelarrayán | 2 |
Total goals scored via a headed shot
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Tural Bayramov | 1 |
- | Renat Dadachov | 1 |
- | Politevich | 1 |
Goal from a shot inside the box
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Razvan Marin | 4 |
- | Viktor Gyokeres | 4 |
2 | Dávid Strelec | 3 |
Goal from a shot outside the box
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Lucas Zelarrayán | 1 |
- | Valeri Gromyko | 1 |
- | Enis Bardhi | 1 |
Goal from a penalty
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Razvan Marin | 4 |
2 | Tural Bayramov | 1 |
- | Gerson Rodrigues | 1 |
Percentage of goals coming from penalties
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Razvan Marin | 400 |
2 | Tural Bayramov | 100 |
- | Viljormur Davidsen | 100 |
Goal from a direct free kick
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Lucas Zelarrayán | 1 |
- | Enis Bardhi | 1 |
2 | Ognjen Cancarevic | 0 |
Percentage of shots than ended in goal
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Isaac Price | 150 |
- | Dávid Strelec | 150 |
2 | Razvan Marin | 100 |
Total crosses and corners made which do not find a team-mate
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Niclas Eliasson | 19 |
2 | Kiril Despodov | 17 |
3 | Shea Charles | 16 |
Accurate crosses
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Kirill Pechenin | 7 |
- | Kiril Despodov | 7 |
2 | Nick Ioannou | 6 |
Total attempted crosses
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Kiril Despodov | 29 |
2 | Shea Charles | 26 |
- | Niclas Eliasson | 26 |
Percentage of accurate crosses
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Dennis Man | 275 |
2 | Kirill Pechenin | 166.07 |
3 | Conor Bradley | 160 |
Total number of unsuccessful passes
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Karl Hein | 76 |
2 | Dimitrievski | 65 |
3 | Viktor Popov | 58 |
Accurate passes that have a distance greater than 35 yards
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Dimitrievski | 36 |
2 | Karl Hein | 33 |
3 | Bárdur á Reynatrød | 30 |
Total long passes which go directly to an opponent
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Karl Hein | 73 |
2 | Dimitrievski | 65 |
3 | Nita | 50 |
Total passes longer than 35 yards
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Karl Hein | 106 |
2 | Dimitrievski | 101 |
3 | Nita | 78 |
Percentage of passes that end in the opposition half
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Lirim Qamili | 455.64 |
2 | Kiril Despodov | 427.46 |
3 | Robi Saarma | 400 |
Percentage of accurate pass that ends in the attacking half of the pitch
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Georgi Harutyunyan | 375.49 |
2 | Grant Leon Mamedova | 375 |
3 | Kristers Tobers | 359.69 |
Accurate pass that ends in the attacking half of the pitch
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Eduard Spertsyan | 151 |
2 | Dejan Kulusevski | 149 |
3 | Enis Bardhi | 145 |
Passes made within the opposition half which do not find a team-mate
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Karl Hein | 66 |
2 | Dimitrievski | 56 |
3 | Slivka | 53 |
Total number of passes that end in the opposition half
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Enis Bardhi | 191 |
- | Dejan Kulusevski | 191 |
2 | Eduard Spertsyan | 186 |
Percentage of passes that end in the player’s own half
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Ognjen Cancarevic | 323.38 |
2 | Viktor Johansson | 320.45 |
3 | Patrick McNair | 317.5 |
Percentage of pass that is successful and ends in a player’s own half of the pitch
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Lucas Zelarrayán | 400 |
- | Ioannis Pittas | 400 |
- | Lukass Vapne | 400 |
Passes made within own half which do not find a team-mate
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Andrei Burca | 23 |
2 | Viktor Popov | 20 |
3 | Andrias Edmundsson | 19 |
A player actively moves to intercept a pass between two opponents
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Isak Hien | 11 |
2 | Viktor Popov | 10 |
- | Marius Marin | 10 |
Total attempted passes
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Isak Hien | 331 |
2 | Skriniar | 323 |
3 | Ugochukwu Iwu | 280 |
Percentage of passes which are successfully collected by a team-mate
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Grant Leon Mamedova | 381.82 |
2 | Georgi Harutyunyan | 380.37 |
3 | Kristers Tobers | 367.46 |
Total offsides
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Ioannis Pittas | 9 |
2 | Haraslin | 5 |
3 | Solvi Vatnhamar | 3 |
Total number of red cards receive from both 2nd yellows and straight reds
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Kevor Palumets | 1 |
- | Filip Yavorov Krastev | 1 |
- | Mahir Madatov | 1 |
Total number of red cards shown directly following a second yellow card
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Mahir Madatov | 1 |
- | Filip Yavorov Krastev | 1 |
- | Kevor Palumets | 1 |
Player receives a yellow card for an infringement
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Martins | 2 |
- | Aleks Petkov | 2 |
- | Florian Bohnert | 2 |
Total number of red straight cards
Pos. | Team | Total |
- | Kevor Palumets | 0 |
- | Filip Yavorov Krastev | 0 |
- | Mahir Madatov | 0 |
Total attempts on goal which are off target or hit the post/crossbar
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Viktor Gyokeres | 8 |
2 | Ikaunieks | 6 |
- | Denis Dragus | 6 |
Total shots on target inclusive of goals scored
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Viktor Gyokeres | 11 |
2 | Denis Dragus | 7 |
- | Sheydaev | 7 |
Total shots from direct free kicks
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Valeri Bocherov | 4 |
- | Grigoris Kastanos | 4 |
2 | Kiril Despodov | 3 |
Penalty conceded
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Joël Mall | 2 |
- | Gertmonas | 2 |
- | Mekhti Dzhenetov | 2 |
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Dejan Kulusevski | 10 |
2 | Lucas Zelarrayán | 7 |
- | Haraslin | 7 |
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Valentin Mihaila | 2 |
- | Renat Dadachov | 2 |
- | Kiril Despodov | 2 |
Percentage of shots on target
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Isaac Price | 250 |
2 | Viktor Gyokeres | 244.53 |
3 | Elmas | 200 |
Percentage of games where no goals are conceded
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Zakhar Volkov | 100 |
- | Kirill Kaplenko | 100 |
- | Aleks Petkov | 100 |
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Zakhar Volkov | 3 |
- | Dimitar Mitov | 3 |
- | Aleks Petkov | 3 |
Total occasions when the player concedes a free kick or penalty by handling the ball
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Dejan Kulusevski | 2 |
- | Yablonskiy | 2 |
2 | Amin Seydiyev | 1 |
Corners taken
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Tural Bayramov | 6 |
- | Kiril Despodov | 6 |
- | Haraslin | 6 |
Recoveries of possession
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Karl Hein | 44 |
2 | Dimitrievski | 42 |
3 | Mekhti Dzhenetov | 39 |
Losses of possession
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Slivka | 83 |
2 | Viktor Popov | 79 |
- | Dejan Kulusevski | 79 |
Clearance off the goal line
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Amin Seydiyev | 1 |
- | Zakhar Volkov | 1 |
- | Andrias Edmundsson | 1 |
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Zakhar Volkov | 12 |
- | Stanciu | 12 |
- | Justas Lasickas | 12 |
Tackles won
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Alex Douglas | 10 |
2 | Zakhar Volkov | 8 |
- | Isnik Alimi | 8 |
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Zhivko Atanasov | 366.67 |
2 | Suslov | 360 |
3 | Valentin Mihaila | 350 |
Foul whilst in the process of trying to tackle the opposing player
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Suslov | 11 |
2 | Leandro Barreiro Martins | 8 |
3 | Haroyan | 7 |
Tackles where possession was not won
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Marius Marin | 6 |
2 | Rocco Shein | 5 |
3 | Zakhar Volkov | 4 |
Updated at