Total number of matches a player has started
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Kieszek | 34 |
- | Leonardo Cesar Jardim | 34 |
2 | Marchesín | 33 |
Total minutes played
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Kieszek | 3060 |
- | Leonardo Cesar Jardim | 3060 |
2 | Marchesín | 2970 |
Substituted off
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Helder Ferreira | 25 |
- | Silvestre Varela | 25 |
2 | Gustavo Sauer | 24 |
Player was brought on as a substitute
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | João Pedro | 24 |
2 | Bruno Almeida | 23 |
3 | Chico Teixeira | 22 |
Total penalties saved by goalkeeper
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Denis | 3 |
- | Leonardo Cesar Jardim | 3 |
2 | Daniel Guimarães | 2 |
Percentage of penalties saved by the goalkeeper
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Ricardo Ferreira | 100 |
2 | Vlachodimos | 50 |
- | Adán | 50 |
Sum of all of players ball events
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Wilson Jancó | 2351 |
2 | Antonio Mauricio | 2306 |
3 | Aderlan Santos | 2283 |
Goal assist
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Mehdi Taremi | 11 |
2 | Grimaldo | 9 |
- | Darwin Núñez | 9 |
Shot assist
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Rubén Lima | 41 |
2 | Cardoso | 29 |
3 | Afonso Sousa | 23 |
Total dribbles where a team player beats an opponent
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Rafa Silva | 98 |
2 | Rochinha | 80 |
3 | Gil Dias | 79 |
Attempted dribbles which resulted in a loss of possession
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Rafa Silva | 63 |
2 | Jesús Corona | 62 |
3 | Everton | 60 |
Percentage of dribbles won
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Zouhair Feddal | 100 |
- | Denis | 100 |
- | Marchesín | 100 |
Total number of games played
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Riccardo Piscitelli | 34 |
- | Uilton | 34 |
- | Jobson Maracás | 34 |
All duels for possession of the ball where possession was lost
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Alberth Elis | 278 |
2 | Douglas Tanque | 274 |
3 | Paulinho | 267 |
All duels for possession of the ball where possession was won
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | João Palhinha | 293 |
2 | Douglas Tanque | 266 |
3 | Paulinho | 243 |
All direct player on player confrontations for possession of the ball
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Douglas Tanque | 540 |
2 | Paulinho | 510 |
3 | João Palhinha | 478 |
Percentage of duels won
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Brian Araújo | 100 |
- | Mateus Pasinato | 100 |
- | Luis Maximiano | 100 |
Unsuccessful aerial duels
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Cardoso | 128 |
2 | Douglas Tanque | 124 |
3 | Oscar Estupiñan | 119 |
Successful aerial duels
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Douglas Tanque | 151 |
2 | Pedro | 130 |
3 | Willyan | 122 |
Total aerial duels
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Douglas Tanque | 275 |
2 | Pedro | 241 |
3 | Oscar Estupiñan | 222 |
Percentage of aerial duels won
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Chima Akas | 100 |
- | Carraça | 100 |
- | Brian Araújo | 100 |
Player on player duels over possession of the ball where the ball is on the ground and possession is not won
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Paulinho | 243 |
2 | Walterson | 201 |
3 | Rafa Silva | 187 |
Duel where possession is won and ball is on the ground
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Paulinho | 231 |
2 | Rafa Silva | 204 |
3 | João Palhinha | 196 |
Total duels over possession where ball is on the ground
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Paulinho | 474 |
2 | Rafa Silva | 391 |
3 | Walterson | 354 |
Percentage of ground duels won
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Mateus Pasinato | 100 |
- | Luis Maximiano | 100 |
- | Samuel | 100 |
Fouls committed
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Paulinho | 83 |
2 | Lucas | 80 |
3 | João Palhinha | 79 |
Fouls received
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Rochinha | 88 |
2 | André André | 84 |
3 | Paulinho | 81 |
Goals conceded from a shot inside the box
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Pedro Henrique | 48 |
2 | Filipe Ferreira | 44 |
- | Leonardo Cesar Jardim | 44 |
Goals conceded from a shot outside the box
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Srdan Babic | 9 |
2 | Fernando Valenzuela | 8 |
- | Riccieli | 8 |
Penalty goal conceded (and scored) against the team in question
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Tiago Esgaio | 8 |
- | Jordi | 8 |
2 | Rubén Lima | 7 |
Own goal conceded
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Filipe Soares | 2 |
- | Lucas Possignolo | 2 |
2 | Denis | 1 |
Goals scored via an attempt using the left foot
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Seferovic | 14 |
2 | Ryan Gauld | 9 |
3 | Pedro Goncalves | 8 |
Goals scored via an attempt using the right foot
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Pedro Goncalves | 14 |
2 | Mehdi Taremi | 13 |
3 | Sergio Oliveira | 12 |
Total goals scored via a headed shot
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Joel Tadjo | 5 |
2 | Oscar Estupiñan | 4 |
- | Mateo Casierra | 4 |
Goal from a shot inside the box
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Pedro Goncalves | 20 |
- | Seferovic | 20 |
2 | Mehdi Taremi | 16 |
Goal from a shot outside the box
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Ivo Rodrigues | 4 |
2 | Pedro Goncalves | 3 |
- | Everton | 3 |
Goal from a penalty
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Sergio Oliveira | 7 |
2 | Ryan Gauld | 5 |
3 | Cardoso | 3 |
Percentage of penalties that ended in goals
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Dener | 100 |
- | João Pedro | 100 |
- | Fabrício | 100 |
Percentage of goals coming from penalties
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Ukra | 100 |
- | Talocha | 100 |
- | Osama Rashid | 100 |
Goal from a direct free kick
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Jhonata Robert | 2 |
- | Ivo Rodrigues | 2 |
2 | Grimaldo | 1 |
Percentage of shots than ended in goal
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Gonzalo Plata | 100 |
- | Dudu | 100 |
2 | Goncalo Ramos | 50 |
Total crosses and corners made which do not find a team-mate
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Quaresma | 175 |
2 | Sergio Oliveira | 143 |
3 | Ryan Gauld | 133 |
Accurate crosses
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Ryan Gauld | 60 |
2 | Quaresma | 55 |
3 | Pedro Porro | 52 |
Total attempted crosses
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Quaresma | 230 |
2 | Ryan Gauld | 193 |
3 | Sergio Oliveira | 184 |
Percentage of accurate crosses
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Carlos | 100 |
- | Júlio Cesar | 100 |
- | Cássio | 100 |
Total number of unsuccessful passes
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Leonardo Cesar Jardim | 431 |
2 | Marco Pereira | 424 |
3 | Denis | 417 |
Accurate passes that have a distance greater than 35 yards
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Marco Pereira | 291 |
2 | Samuel | 285 |
3 | Marchesín | 255 |
Total long passes which go directly to an opponent
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Leonardo Cesar Jardim | 423 |
2 | Marco Pereira | 422 |
3 | Denis | 413 |
Total passes longer than 35 yards
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Marco Pereira | 713 |
2 | Samuel | 697 |
3 | Denis | 642 |
Percentage of passes that end in the opposition half
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Caju | 200 |
2 | Manuel Namora | 133.33 |
3 | Quaresma | 120.61 |
Accurate pass that ends in the attacking half of the pitch
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Pizzi | 862 |
2 | Julian Weigl | 858 |
3 | Grimaldo | 815 |
Passes made within the opposition half which do not find a team-mate
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Rubén Lima | 385 |
2 | Sergio Oliveira | 381 |
3 | Marco Pereira | 368 |
Total number of passes that end in the opposition half
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Sergio Oliveira | 1127 |
2 | Pizzi | 1085 |
3 | Otavinho | 1080 |
Percentage of passes that end in the player’s own half
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Carlos | 100 |
- | Marcano | 100 |
- | André Paulo | 100 |
Percentage of pass that is successful and ends in a player’s own half of the pitch
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Chima Akas | 100 |
- | Carlos | 100 |
- | Carraça | 100 |
A pass that is successful and ends in a player’s own half of the pitch
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Aderlan Santos | 1226 |
2 | Antonio Mauricio | 1205 |
3 | Srdan Babic | 1018 |
Passes made within own half which do not find a team-mate
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Mateus Pasinato | 119 |
2 | Rubén Lima | 118 |
3 | Pedro Henrique | 112 |
Total number of passes that end in the player’s own half
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Aderlan Santos | 1333 |
2 | Antonio Mauricio | 1309 |
3 | Srdan Babic | 1109 |
A player actively moves to intercept a pass between two opponents
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Antonio Mauricio | 99 |
2 | Fabio Pacheco | 80 |
3 | Otamendi | 70 |
Total attempted passes
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Aderlan Santos | 1897 |
2 | Antonio Mauricio | 1889 |
3 | Otamendi | 1838 |
Total offsides
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Cardoso | 26 |
- | Mateo Casierra | 26 |
2 | Joel Tadjo | 23 |
Total number of red cards receive from both 2nd yellows and straight reds
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Agra | 2 |
- | David Carmo | 2 |
- | Chidozie Awaziem | 2 |
Total number of red cards shown directly following a second yellow card
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Javi García | 2 |
2 | Júlio Cesar | 1 |
- | Gonçalo Inácio | 1 |
Player receives a yellow card for an infringement
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Fabio Pacheco | 13 |
- | Otamendi | 13 |
2 | Azouni | 12 |
Total number of red straight cards
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | David Carmo | 2 |
- | Agra | 2 |
- | Chidozie Awaziem | 2 |
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Fabio Pacheco | 13 |
- | Otamendi | 13 |
2 | Azouni | 12 |
Total attempts on goal which are off target or hit the post/crossbar
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Wanderson Galeno | 42 |
2 | Seferovic | 40 |
3 | Douglas Tanque | 37 |
Total shots on target inclusive of goals scored
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Pedro Goncalves | 38 |
2 | Mehdi Taremi | 36 |
3 | Seferovic | 35 |
Total shots from direct free kicks
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Angel Gomes | 15 |
2 | Sergio Oliveira | 14 |
3 | Agra | 10 |
Total penalty kicks taken
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Sergio Oliveira | 8 |
2 | Ryan Gauld | 7 |
3 | Ruben Lameiras | 4 |
Penalty conceded
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Leonardo Cesar Jardim | 12 |
2 | Jordi | 9 |
- | Stanislav Kritsyuk | 9 |
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Douglas Tanque | 20 |
2 | Gustavo Sauer | 18 |
- | Angel Gomes | 18 |
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Pedro Goncalves | 6 |
2 | Angel Gomes | 4 |
3 | Ruben Lameiras | 3 |
Percentage of shots on target
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Gonzalo Plata | 100 |
- | Lyle Foster | 100 |
- | Nakajima | 100 |
Percentage of games where no goals are conceded
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Brian Araújo | 100 |
- | Tiago Sá | 100 |
- | André Ferreira | 100 |
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Sebastián Coates | 19 |
- | Adán | 19 |
2 | Zouhair Feddal | 17 |
Corners taken
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Ryan Gauld | 40 |
2 | Wanderson Galeno | 36 |
3 | Carlos Mané | 33 |
Recoveries of possession
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Marco Pereira | 323 |
2 | Matheus Magalhaes | 319 |
3 | Denis | 309 |
Losses of possession
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Rubén Lima | 688 |
2 | Pedro Porro | 625 |
3 | Claudio Winck | 554 |
Clearance off the goal line
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Vitor Tormena | 3 |
2 | Marco Baixinho | 2 |
- | Lucas Áfrico | 2 |
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | João Palhinha | 105 |
- | Fabio Pacheco | 105 |
2 | Paulinho | 88 |
Tackles won
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | João Palhinha | 67 |
2 | Paulinho | 61 |
- | Fabio Pacheco | 61 |
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Nilton Varela | 100 |
- | Carraça | 100 |
- | Mateus Pasinato | 100 |
Foul whilst in the process of trying to tackle the opposing player
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Paulinho | 52 |
2 | Luiz Carlos | 50 |
3 | Anderson Carvalho | 46 |
Tackles where possession was not won
Pos. | Team | Total |
1 | Fabio Pacheco | 44 |
2 | João Palhinha | 38 |
3 | Anderson Carvalho | 35 |