Brazil defeat to Morocco increases need for new coach: Real Madrid head coach Ancelotti is ‘the favourite’

The president of the CBF, Ednaldo Rodrigues, admitted that he expects to announce a new coach “before the FIFA break in June.”


Brazil’s loss to Morocco has left more doubts than certainties. The Brazilian Football Federation (CBF) are continuing to sound out potential head coaches for the job vacancy that needs filling. All of the spotlights are on the face of Carlo Ancelotti, who, as is being reported in Brazil, leads the way in being appointed before the supposed deadline of the youth World Cup in June 2023.

“I hope that for the next international break we can have in place the coach that the CBF wants in order to create a winning cycle”, said Rodrigues to ESPN. The invisibility cloak with which the process is being carried out could be said to have fallen off the CBF building in recent weeks, with various media outlets across the world reporting that Carlo Ancelotti’s arrival is an option. “I spoke to Vini, Casemiro and Militão, there’s a big chance that Ancelotti could come”, said Ederson before the game against Morocco. But it is not just the Italian who is on the list: Abel Ferreira, Jose Mourinho and Pep Guardiola are also options.

Brazil lost 2-1 to Morocco during the spring international break.Jalal MorchidiEFE

Ancelotti is the fans’ favourite for the role

Rodrigues spoke to Reuters about the sense of excitement that the option of the Italian coming to manage the Seleçao has created, saying that Ancelotti “is not only the favourite for the players but also the fans. Wherever I go in Brazil, in every stadium, he is the first name that the fans ask me about.”

He also left the door wide open for the 3-time Champions League winning manager, saying “we have faith in God, we hope for the right moment and we will see if we can sort it out while we are looking for a new manager.”

According to UOL, Ednaldo Rodrigues’ idea comes from “having a meeting with both the coach and the President of the club they work for”. Everything points to the fact that over the next weeks or even months, the CBF President will meet with Real Madrid President Florentino Pérez to understand better the coach’s availability and when he could leave the Spanish club.

Carlo Ancelotti has come under increased criticism for his side's performance in LaLiga this season.GORKA LEIZADIARIO AS

Rodrigues wants to respect Carlo’s contract with Madrid

“We will be ethical in our planning and we will respect contracts. We also respect the work any coach does at any club to get to that point and anything other than that would be a lack of respect to the clubs in question”, he said. However it would work out, the CBF plans to wait until the end of the European season to sign a new team leader.

Ramón Menezes’ current role as interim coach seems more complicated as time goes by. The manager took control after the U-20 South American Championship a few weeks ago and Ednaldo Rodrigues confirmed that he did not give the current coach “false hope”, despite the result against Morocco. Brazil are in the final moments before they get ready to unleash a new era of the Seleçao.

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