Christian Stellini apologises for ‘worst 25 minutes I have ever seen’

The interim Spurs boss was asked whether he believes Antonio Conte’s criticism of the team has been proved right.


Christian Stellini could do little more than watch on in disbelief as his side shipped five goals in the opening 25 minutes at Newcastle United.

The home side took their foot off the gas after that blistering start but Tottenham Hotspur’s 6-1 defeat will go down as a particularly low point in a bleak season for the club. For Stellini, it was amongst the worst performances that he has seen.

“There’s no words to explain a performance like this. The first 25 minutes were the worst I have ever seen,” the interim boss said.

He was asked whether the desperate showing vindicated former manager Antonio Conte’s explosive press conference after drawing against Southampton.

“Today, what I can say, is we have to apologise to everyone,” he said, refusing to be drawn on his predecessor’s comments.

Stellini wonders if back four switch was a mistake

Tottenham travelled to Champions League rivals Newcastle knowing that a win at St James’ Park could kick-start their top four push. Stellini surprised some by selecting a more attacking starting XI, opting for a back four rather than the wing-back system favoured by Conte.

Stellini’s gamble backfired in the most spectacular style and he admitted post-match that he bears the responsibility for the change.

“We played with four at the back and if this is the mistake, it’s my mistake,” he said.

When asked if Sunday’s performance had shown why his predecessor persisted with the back five for so long, Stellini insisted that it is too early to say.

“We have to analyse the situation now,” he said. “If we’re in a rush to explain and analyse everything. It’s really early, we have to analyse all together. Because we need to take a breath after a performance like this.”

Formation change was not the only issue

While the tactical switch certainly appeared to unsettle Spurs the scale of their early collapse suggested that there are more factors at play.

The other problems are many problems,” Stellini continued. “Because I repeat, this season is not a normal season and maybe many things happen. And so there is not only one thing to care [of].”

Tottenham must now regroup and look for improvement for the remainder of the season but they have tough fixture list coming up. Across the next week they face Manchester United and Liverpool in the Premier League.

They then play Crystal Palace and Aston Villa, two sides rejuvenated by a mid-season managerial change. The same cannot be said of Spurs.

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