
Infantino: “Everyone will be welcome” at Qatar World Cup

As World Cup officials gathered in Doha on Monday, FIFA president Gianni Infantino emphasized that the tournament next month is for everyone.


The 2022 World Cup, which will be held in Qatar, is coming up quickly. The tournament begins on November 20 with the first match between host country Qatar and Ecuador in Group A at Al Bayt Stadium. FIFA president Gianni Infantino spoke at a news conference in Doha on Monday, saying that the Qatar World Cup “will be the one that brings the world together after some difficult times”.

The choice of Qatar to host the World Cup was a controversial one. Qatar lacks much of a soccer culture and has been criticized for its poor human rights record and high temperatures, which caused a switch in the usual summer dates to the now November-December dates. Due to the change in dates, the European leagues are dealing with quite a disruption in their schedules. Some human rights groups have called out Qatar for its anti-homosexuality stance.

Despite all of this, Infantino insists that this World Cup will be the best one yet, that it is a “tournament of peace and unity”, and that everyone will be welcomed, and no one will have to worry about persecution as Qatar is “a tolerant country”.

“Let me repeat it clearly - everyone will be welcomed to the tournament, regardless of their origin, background, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or nationality,” said Infantino.