Jenni Hermoso’s tears of joy and disbelief

The Madrid-born striker spoke after Spain made history by reaching the semi-finals. “We have worked hard to achieve this.”


It’s already been an eventful World Cup for Jenni Hermoso, who reached 100 caps and a half century of goals during the group stage. Now, she and Spain have made history by securing a place in the semi-finals - the furthest La Roja have ever gone in the tournament.

Sensations: “I can’t stop crying. You feel joy, hope... it has cost us a lot of work to get here. The adrenaline rush is incredible. I just think we’ve worked really hard to get this. It’s made me remember a lot of things - from when I played in the street kicking about in my neighborhood. My grandfather taking me to the park to play. My father, from all of my family who have always been there for me. From this year, I feel very happy and very satisfied with myself and with all of the people who have been with me - the people I have met in Mexico who have made me meet a new person. So this is also for them. I honestly have never felt like this before.

Salma’s goal: “When I saw the ball hit the post… and then the back of the net. You’re thinking: ‘Is this real or not?’ I didn’t know if it was really happening. We were just minutes away from glory. It was what we have been so long waiting for - to get something like this and today it arrived. Now there are only two games left. Seven games to be crowned world champions. Now there are just two left - and next, a World Cup semi-final. It means we are going to be here until the last day of this tournament. It’s something we have worked hard for, it’s not a coincidence”.

The key: “We’ve been a team, different players have been decisive in every game. Today, Mariona had a great match. When Salma came on, she knew what she had to do. That’s part of what this team is all about. For me, the goal is a consequence of something, but it will not take away what I have worked for. I feel super satisfied with how I played. Of having endured the match from start to finish. My legs are still going strong, even though I’m 33 years old”.

VAR: “Their goal knocked us, we thought it was offside. You try to recover from those setbacks. Football is like life, when you take knocks, you either get up or get left behind. Today, Spain is in the semi-finals”.

The team’s leader: “Age is just a f***ing number that people want to put on everything. I couldn’t care less. I felt super confident out there today, I wanted to have the ball at my feet. I felt very safe. I have not thought about anything other than winning today. The message at all times has been: ‘We can do this’. We knew that they were tired - more than us. Right the way through the game, we were very clear about what we wanted to do. We were told a lot about what we can do, how far we can go and today, we worked hard. We have been through some tough times this year and this had to come about one way or another. For everything I’ve been through in the past, this is not a gift. I’ve worked hard for it.”

Tears: “I was on the bench sitting with Alexia… (crying). We’ve spent a long time waiting for a moment like this, many years. It has cost us a lot. We have gone through so much. And to reach moments like this today. People might think it’s easy, that it’s playing football and that’s it. But there are a lot of other feelings behind all of this. It’s all of the things you go through, the things that happen to you in your life. You have to go away, come back, find a way for people to enjoy watching you play football. And when we get criticism, it affects us, we suffer. We are people too. We work hard so that people can enjoy our games. I feel very proud and satisfied with what we have achieved up to now.”

Now what?: “Now I’ll have a beer. Digest it all because we are still not very aware of what we have achieved today. We have made history in Spain. I hope everyone has enjoyed it. We are a step away from glory. Today history has been made, which is difficult. Spain has only reached the semi-finals of a World Cup twice - the men’s and now the women’s. Whether that’s fair or not - it‘s down to hard work and hop”.

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