PSG bans Coca-Cola at mealtime

According to Le Parisien, the Parisian club has hired a nutritionist to improve the fitness of the squad. Iced teas have also been banned.

Anthony DibonGetty

PSG are redesigning the club at every level. They have already reinforced several positions in the transfer market and closed a few sales, but the club has also looked at the nutritional aspect side of the players’ daily regime. According to Le Parisien, the club has hired a full-time nutritionist to take care of the fitness of the first team and to get the players in the best possible shape.

Healthy eating

One of the first measures taken by the nutritionist, a Spaniard and former player, has been to ban Coca-Colas and cold teas during meals. As the PSG players are obliged to eat together at Camp des Loges (a measure implemented by Luis Campos upon his arrival in Paris), the club can exercise greater control on what the squad eats and drinks.

Last season, PSG had a nutritionist who was employed only on a part-time basis and he did not focus exclusively on the first team, but instead alternated his time with the women’s team and the handball team, so his endeavours had hardly any effect. The Campos-Galtier alliance is working to make PSG more like a serious entity, which is exactly what the club has lacked in recent years.

Another new facet of the new PSG sports adviser has been to ‘shield’ the PSG locker room. According to Le Parisien, in recent years it was common for people, even those not involved in the football world, to enter the locker room without even asking. Campos has decided that this now has to stop and has already taken the necessary measures so that only those with permission can enter the PSG dressing room.

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