More shocking footage revealed of the “zombie drug” effects in Philadelphia

A drug called “Tranq” has hit the streets of Philadelphia particularly hard, and this video shows the terrifying effects it has on the body.


Back in May, a video went viral showing the effects of a dangerous drug, called Xylazine or “Tranq”. Now, another video has surfaced of the same thing, showing people standing completely slumped over on the streets of Philadelphia, appearing like zombies with no control over their bodies and no conscious thoughts. Tranq is a cattle tranquilizer and has been mixed with other street drugs by dealers and it has hit the U.S. hard.

It was thought to only be a major problem in Philadelphia, but recent reports have come out that reveal that the drug has been found in 48 of the 50 U.S. states, with related deaths seeing a 276% increase nationwide since 2019. It’s not just the spaced out effect that is alarming. The DEA website states that people who take this drug “can develop severe wounds, including necrosis - the rotting of human tissue - that may lead to amputation”, which is apparent in those using in Philadelphia. Several people are walking around, openly taking the drug, with wounds all over their bodies.