"I've worked hard to prove I belong at Real Madrid" - Keylor

The Costa Rican spoke before flying off on international duty amid speculation over whether Real Madrid will still try to sign De Gea despite Navas' excellent season.


Keylor Navas continued his saintly form against Sevilla on Sunday evening, pulling off a string of sensational saves that included Kevin Gameiro's attempt from the penalty spot. Navas spoke to the press before getting on a plane at Barajas airport to join up with the Costa Rica squad:

"I've worked hard to prove I belong at Real Madrid" said the tico before getting on his way to turn out for his country against Jamaica in a Russia 2018 qualifier. 

After yesterday how do you see La Liga? 

“La Liga is still complicated, but we have to fight until the end. There's no downing tools, we have to show that we can keep winning big matches”.

Is Barça favourite for el Clásico?

“Both teams come into the match in great form, both want to win, we have to focus on doing our jobs right and continue growing because we have some big games coming up in the Champions League and the Clásico can help us gain some confidence and go into it with more desire”.

Is this your finest moment at Madrid?

“I feel really good, calm. I'm happy with the belief the technical team has in me this year. I've worked hard to prove I belong at Real Madrid”.

Wolfsburg in the Champions League

“It won't be easy, all the games are difficult when you get to this stage, you can't underestimate any team that has got this far. If they're in the quarters then it's for a reason”.

Did Las Palmas give the team a jolt?

“We know we didn't play well, no-one has to tell us that”.

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