Antoine Griezmann on Simeone's decision at Atletico Madrid

The Frenchman spoke to Bein Sports France about a conversation he had earlier today with the Atletico Madrid manager, El Cholo indicating that he'll probably...


Simeone was on the edge after that Champions League final defeat to Real Madrid on penalties, the first time El Cholo looked defeated, physically, pyschologically and emotionally, calling two defeats in two finals "a failure". His post-match presser even seemed to suggest that a potential exit from the Calderón might be on the cards, saying he didn't know if he was going to continue with Atleti or if this was "the end of a cycle", that he had to "think about" his future.

Today's news is much more positive, the Atlético president saying "Simeone has four more years with us", and now the latest is that Antoine Griezmann reporting from France:

"I spoke to him and I'm pretty sure he's staying, I'd be raging if he left, I still have a lot to learn from him".

The French star of the Atleti side spoke to Bein Sports France, assuring worried atleticos that "I spoke to Simeone, I'm nearly 100% sure he won't leave", an advance on the interview that will be aired later this evening.

This comes as fans made huge efforts to convince Simeone to stay on at the club in the South of Madrid, erecting posters and placards outside the Vicente Calderón while inside the offices Cerezo and the rest of the directors assured him that he can have the signings he wants to take the club to the next level. They are after all, so very close.

It looks like los colchoneros can breathe again, interest from PSG hasn't been enough to tempt away the man who's challenged the establishment and broke up the Spanish duopoly, and with Cholo on the bench, who knows how far Atlético can go next year, their resolve stronger than ever to face down the enemy at the gates and the one up North, and finally bring home that first ever Champions League triumph. 

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