
Tax-fraud Messi forgets his troubles on €7,800-a-day yacht

The Barcelona player, sentenced to 21 months in prison and fined €2 million for tax fraud, is enjoying his vacation on a luxury yacht with his family in Ibiza
Barcelona vs Deportivo La Coruña: LaLiga


Barcelona star Lionel Messiconvicted for tax fraud last week and handed a 21 month prison sentence along with a €2 million fine – is currently getting away from his troubles on a €7,800-a-day yacht.

The Argentinian, who has just returned to Spain from the Bahamas, is continuing his vacation with family and friends in Ibiza before having to go back to work in August. Along with his wife, Antonella, and his sons Thiago and Mateo, Messi is spending time aboard the luxurious ‘Seven C’.

Lionel Messi y su mujer Antonella Roccuzzo con sus hijos Thiago and Mateo de vacaciones en IbizaGSLV©GTRESONLINE

28 metre, 10-berth yacht

The 28 metre, 10-berth yacht comes with a renowned personal chef, three crew members, four cabins and two bathrooms. It is also equipped with two kayaks, a paddleboard and a jet ski.

Lionel Messi y su mujer Antonella Roccuzzo con sus hijos Thiago and Mateo de vacaciones en IbizaGSLV©GTRESONLINE

Despite being sentenced to 21 months in jail, Messi is unlikely to serve any time due to the prison term being less than two years and his lack of a criminal record, hence the player being left free to soak up the son in Ibiza.

Also enjoying his vacation on the same island as the Barcelona number 10 is Real Madrid rival Cristiano Ronaldo. Never to be outdone, the Portugal captain – fresh from winning Euro 2016 with his country – has rented out a 36 metre yacht , 12 metres bigger than Messi’s.

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