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Real Madrid to lodge appeal against "unjust ban" with CAS

Real Madrid issued a statement on Thursday evening in response to FIFA 's transfer ban for the transfer and registration of minors.

Real Madrid to lodge appeal against "unjust ban" with CAS
Real Madrid

Real Madrid immediately issued a statement on Thursday evening after learning that their appeal against a two-window transfer ban for the transfer and registration of under-age players had been thrown out by FIFA's Appeals Committee.


Ante la resolución de la Comisión de Apelación de la FIFA que se ha dado a conocer hoy, el Real Madrid C. F. manifiesta lo siguiente: 1. Que lamenta la citada resolución al entender que es profundamente injusta y contraria a los más elementales principios del derecho sancionador. 2. El club formulará el correspondiente recurso de apelación ante el Tribunal de Arbitraje Deportivo (TAS), solicitando la revocación íntegra de la misma, con la plena convicción de obtener una resolución totalmente favorable ante dicho organismo. 3. El Real Madrid C. F. solicitará que el procedimiento sea tramitado por la vía de urgencia con el fin de obtener la resolución del TAS a la mayor brevedad posible.

The club expressed its disappointmant at the verdict - one which they consider "deeply unfair", and stated that they will continue to fight the sentence by lodging a second appeal with the Court of Arbitration for Sport.

Real Madrid's statement in full

"In light of today's decision by the FIFA Appeal Committee, Real Madrid C. F. wishes to communicate the following:

1. The club regrets said decision, understanding it to be deeply unjust and contrary to the fundamental principles of disciplinary law.

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2. The club will begin the appropriate appeals procedure before the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS), requesting that the decision be completely overturned, with absolute confidence that said organisation will come to an entirely favourable decision.

3. Real Madrid C. F. will request that the procedure be undertaken in an urgent manner in order to obtain a decision from the CAS as quickly as possible".

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