FIFA could sanction Ireland for political symbol

FIFA have taken a stance against England and Scotland wearing a poppy to commemorate the dead and they could retrospectively sanction Ireland for their Easter Rising symbol.


FIFA could punish Republic of Ireland for wearing a political symbol during a friendly in March, a spokesperson for the world body said Thursday.

Ireland's commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the country's Easter Uprising on their shirts has become more sensitive with England and Scotland locked in a battle with FIFA over the wearing of poppies in tribute to war dead.

No decision yet

A FIFA spokesperson said "The disciplinary committee of FIFA is evaluating the matter" of Ireland's shirt.

The spokesperson added that there is no specific date for a decision on whether formal action will be taken.

The Irish badge worn during the friendly against Switzerland

Political symbol

Ireland had the years 1916-2016 on their jerseys for the March 25 friendly against Switzerland.

England and Scotland have used the Ireland example in their negotiations with FIFA over whether they can wear poppies on black armbands when they play each other in a World Cup qualifier on November 11, which is Armistice Day and the traditional day for Britons to pay tribute to their war dead.

FIFA has rejected the poppy saying it is a political symbol.

FIFA sources said that Ireland did not need to ask permission for a friendly but there are different rules for World Cup matches and other official tournaments.

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