Fernando Alonso named Spain's wealthiest sportsman, Nadal 2nd

The F1 driver is ranked 197th overall on Spain's 2017 Rich List published by El Mundo, marginally beating the tennis star, who places at 198th.Germany v Spain U21 live


Formula 1 driver Fernando Alonso was revealed as the wealthiest Spanish sportsman on Wednesday in Spain’s 2017 Rich List published by newspaper El Mundo.

Tennis star Rafa Nadalwho lost to Roger Federer in Sunday’s Australian Open final – was the only other Spanish sportsman to make the list of the country’s 200 most well-off people.

Surprisingly enough, both Alonso and Nadal only just scraped onto the list, placed at 197 and 198 respectively.


€200m fortune 

Two-time F1 champion and current Mclaren Honda driver has amassed a fortune of approximately €200m, a fraction more than 14-time grand slam winner Nadal, whose riches are also approximated at the €200m mark.

The bank accounts of both however are dwarfed by that of Spain’s most moneyed man, founder of fashion group Inditex, Amancio Ortega, who has an estimated net worth of €67.7 billion, making him the 2nd wealthiest man on earth.

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