Cristiano Ronaldo third on 'Instagram’s Rich List' behind Selena Gomez and Kim Kardashian

The Real Madrid star is third on the list of Instagram's top earners and is one of two athletes on the list with LeBron James also in the top ten.
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According to a study carried out by Instagram scheduling company, HopperHQ, Cristiano Ronaldo earns as much as $400,000 per instagram post and is behind just Selena Gomez and Kim Kardashian on the list as the top earners.

Ronaldo and LeBron in the top ten on Instagram rich list

Ronaldo, who has 104 million followers on the photo-sharing app, is one of two sports stars in the top ten with LeBron James of the NBA's Cleveland Cavaliers at number 10. James, who has 30.7 million followes, earns $170,000 per post on the app.

Mike Bandar, co-founder of HopperHQ says, “Instagram is now an incredibly effective marketing tool for brands and it’s fascinating to see how celebrities and influencers are able to monetise their accounts to so effectively. With approximately 700 million active monthly users across the world, it offers a wealth of potential customers for brands that have the budget to harness the influence of the people on our lists, and a chance for people to make a real career out of ‘gramming’.

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