Pachuca vs Wydad Casablanca: how and where to watch: times, TV, online
All the information you need on where and when to watch the second game of the 2017 Club World Cup as Mexican side Pachuca face Wydad Casablanca with a 1400 CET start at the Zayed Sports City Stadium.

What time does the Pachuca vs Wydad game start?
The second game of the 2017 FIFA Club World Cup between Pachuca (MEX) and Wydad Casablanca (MOR) takes place at the Zayed Sports Stadium Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates).

Where can I watch Pachuca vs Wydad?
No matter where you are on the planet, you can see what channel the Pachica v Wydad game is available on here.

Is the Pachuca vs Wydad game online?
The Pachuca v Wydad tie is available in most nations through the rights holders' online platform, if they have one. Your best bet is to check who is showing the game in your country, and if they have an online service or iOS/Android app to watch it on.
Pachuca vs Wydad: AS English live coverage
You can also follow all the action from Abu Dhabi right here on AS English, with our inimitable live coverage. We'll be building up to the game throughout the day before giving you a minute-by-minute account as it unfolds.
Follow Pachuca vs Wydad live with AS English.