Marcelino: "I don't think about being the Cholo of Valencia"

The Valencia manager said that situations like Cholo Simeone at Atlético Madrid are rare but says he is happy at the club and has everything he needs.

Alberto Iranzo.

Marcelino has taken Valencia back into Europe in his first season in charge at the club. A win at the weekend against Eibar will ensure it is the Champions League they are playing in next year but he doesn't want to be the Diego Simeone of los Che.

"No," was his answer when asked if he say himself at the club for many years. He was asked if he wouldn't like to be the Cholo of Valencia and he replied, "I don't contemplate it as a manager. We have to focus out attention on the short term. It all depends on results. I appreciate Dani and his words yesterday (he praised the manager) but I know it's going to be difficult. Sitations like Cholo are strange. It doesn't happen to 90% of managers."

He also said he is open to signing an extension once he sits down with Peter Lim at the end of the campaign. "I'm very comfortable here, I have what I need to be happy in my work. If we signed for a third year, three years would be plenty," as he gets ready to launch Valencia into the Champions League provided they can land one more win between now and the end of the season.

"Si me dicen cuando firmé que nos meteríamos en Champions, no me lo creo. Ni de coña".

¿Hay que celebrar la Champions?: "No tengo ninguna duda que hay que celebrarlo. Esto es como si te toca la lotería. Al Valencia le tocó la lotería este año, gracias a una plantilla que se esforzó y llegó a este punto. A 6 del Atlético, a 3 del Madrid, 10 por encima del quinto... No había base porque veníamos de ser el 12, durante los dos últimos años. Hay otros que llevan varios años en la parte alta. Llegar ahora, dar una vuelta absoluta y entrar, si lo hacemos, en la cuarta plaza, es para celebrarlo. Si el Valencia quiere volver a ser grande tiene que estar varias temporadas seguidas en Champions. Eso le pasó al Atlético. Estar varios años en Champions le permitió acercarse a los dos 'reinos' de la competición. Si me dicen que vamos a jugar Champions cuando firmé, no lo creo. Ni de coña. Y con estos jugadores podemos confirmarlo. Para mí es un gran éxito. Y los que estamos dentro, lo valoramos".

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