
Ajax star Nico Tagliafico staying with the Amsterdam club

On Tuesday afternoon, the Argentine defender that has been catching the eye of many this season, sent out a clear statement to potential suitors.


Ajax's star defender Nico Tagliafico has been rumoured to be a potential signing for the likes of Arsenal and Atlético Madrid. However, those stories can now be put to bed after the player himself confirmed the red and white he'll be wearing next season will be for the Amsterdam club.

Tagliafico staying with Ajax

The 26-year old has been part of the Dutch side that has taken the Champions League by storm, knocking out the likes of Real Madrid and Juventus in emphatic and exhilarating style. With some of his teammates already agreeing contracts elsewhere for next season, or likely to do so in the summer, many had the Argentine set to follow.

“I want to tell you that I will stay for one more season,” the player said in a video on the club's Twitter feed. "Hopefully it will be a great year. Like it is this year.”

With one foot already in the Champions League final after a 0-1 first-leg victory against Tottenham away from home, fans are hoping that the club can hold onto as many of the young team as possible, as well as their manager, Erik ten Hag. Time will tell if Tagliafico remains longer into his contract (which expires in 2022) than the coming year.

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