Real Madrid to file appeal over Modric red card

The Croatian midfielder could be suspended for three games after being shown a straight red against Celta Vigo.


Real Madrid have decided to file an appeal in attempt to avoid Luka Modric being suspended for the straight red card he was shown on Saturday against Celta Vigo for a challenge from behind on Denis Suárez.

The referee's match report states that the Real Madrid midfielder was sent off in the 56th minute for "striking the rival player's achilles tendon area with his studs, with no possibility of getting the ball".


Real Madrid consider the referee's version to be incorrect as, in their view, Modric was attempting to play the ball, and stood on Suárez without meaning to.

Modric is facing a suspension of one to three games for the red card. Article 123 of the disciplinary code in Spain concerning “violent play”, which would likely apply to Modric, states that where a player is responsible for violent play involving risk to another player but which doesn’t lead to damaging consequences or injury, the suspension will be one to three games, or up to one month out.

Modric protests innocence

While Modric protested his innocence after the game, arguing he never intended to hurt Denis Suárez, the fact is he made contact with the Celta Vigo player’s heel from behind - referees in Spain have been told to take a zero tolerance stance towards this type of challenge, hence the straight red card awarded by the referee.

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