
Coronavirus: 10,000 health workers in Spain have contracted Covid-19

Fernando Simón, the head of Spain’s health emergency coordination centre, said that Spain could be looking at a situation as serious as that in Italy.


Fernando Simón, the head of Spain’s health emergency coordination centre, has confirmed that almost 10,000 workers in the health services sector have been infected with Covid-19 during the ongoing pandemic, which has claimed almost 5,000 lives in Spain.

"At the moment we have a total of 9,944 health workers with symptoms of Covid-19," Simón told the press on Friday, adding that the total death toll in Spain was 4,858 at the time of his media appearance with 7,891 new cases registered over the previous 24 hours.

Spain facing similar Covid-19 projections to Italy

The coordinator of Spain's response to the Covid-19 pandemic also gave some grim predictions for the country based on what has been seen in Italy, which has the highest number of Covid-19 deaths worldwide at over 9,000.

"The possibility of an ascendant spike like that in Italy cannot be ruled out," Simón said. "In Italy cases have extended at different rates with increases and decreases. That is due to rises in different regions in repsect to regions with the largest number of cases."

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