
Coronavirus: total USA cases and deaths, real-time map, 11 April

Updates on the total number of registered Covid-19 cases, deaths and discharged patients, both in the United States and across the world on 11 April.

Keiko Hiromi

Confirmed US coronavirus cases

As of 03:00 CEST (21:00 EDT, 18:00 PDT) on Saturday 11 April, there had been a total of 523,879 confirmed cases of coronavirus in the US, with 20,577 deaths. 30,453 people in the country have officially recovered after contracting Covid-19.

US coronavirus news

As coronavirus cases in the US passed the 500,000 mark, American president Donald Trump said he would "certainly listen" to warnings from the director of the country's National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Anthony Fauci, about lifting restrictions too soon. However, Trump is eager to re-open the US economy, telling his daily press briefing: "I want to get it open as soon as possible. This country was meant to be open and vibrant and great."

Worldwide real-time coronavirus map

Click here if the map doesn't automatically appear. (Map created and hosted by Johns Hopkins University Whiting School of Engineering, our thanks to them.)

Worldwide coronavirus cases

The total number of confirmed coronavirus cases worldwide at the above time stood at 1,779,855, while 108,770 people have died from Covid-19 and 402,709 have recovered from the disease.

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